Free Online Course on the topic of Global Food Crisis is offered by the Queen’s University Belfast. This course is Post-graduate level including research work to handle the food crisis and issues. This free online course is introduced by the Queen’s University Belfast with the collaboration of Future Learn.
This course covers the very important information of food safety and food security across diverse levels of the food supply chain. The main focus of this course is on the way to increase the worldwide food security for a sustainable opportunity.
Starting date of this course is 2nd November, 2015. The duration of this free online course is 5 weeks and 3 hours for each class. This course will be offered free cost with English Language.
Tackling the Global Food Crisis: Supply Chain Integrity
Queen’s University Belfast & Future Learn
Free of charge
Certificate accessible:
November 2, 2015
Providers information
Future Learn with the collaboration of Queen’s University Belfast is offering the course.
Learning Outcomes
This free online course is based on two steps firstly; focus on problem about the preservation and improvement of worldwide food equipment, at the same time as civilizing human happiness in the urbanized and rising world. The second course is tackling the Global Food Crisis: Sustainable Agri-food Systems.
Course Instructors
Chris Elliott
There are not hard and fast rule to join this course its open for all applications who want to get knowledge about food safety. This is post graduate level course and research will be also included in this course on the topic of developed to deal with the food crisis.