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How France Support and Facilitates International Students


Campus France


Campus France is a government facility for the international students who come to France for Education. They have a lot of offices, more than 200 globally. A newly moved student is of course confused about everything. That’s why they are there, to help you overcome any confusion you have.

They will guide you for everything including your residence to fee structure and all laws. Whatever your problem is ,you will go to Campus France and they will sort it out for you.


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Reasonable Tuition Fee, Scholarships and Grants


Unlike many other European countries that are totally rip off, France offers a very reasonable fee structure for all students studying there. Other international universities attract foreign students, so, they can charge them double or triple of normal fee. But France has same fee policy for both international and domestic students.

An average undergraduate annual fee for a Government University is about $200 that is equivalent to 20,000 rupees. If you get admission into a government university than there is no other obstacle. However, case is totally different if you are applying to a private university. A French private university usually charges about $3,000 to $11,500 annually.

They have a lot of Scholarships and Grants offer for International students. You can find many Scholarships offered by French Government, Foreign Governments and many other organizations. Here is link for French Scholarships where you can start looking for a Scholarship or grant in France.


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Health Insurance is Compulsory


This one thing has no flexibility in France. Every student must have a health insurance. They really don’t want any one sick in their country. It is not like that Health Insurance is a burden on you. If we don’t buy a health insurance in a foreign country, medical treatment can get very expensive.

All things aside, we know, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. French health is also not very costly unlike other countries. International students like ourselves will have to pay for it through France's student social security system.​ Social security contribution for a student is about $250 annually.


·         [Read Article How to Prepare for Medical Emergencies Abroad]


Housing assistance from government


Since French government is really facilitating students, particularly international students. They not help them with the last problem an international student can possibly have in France. It is housing assistance.

If you don’t have the money to pay the rent for your housing. Just apply to their Housing Assistance program. How to apply and all other information will provided to you by Campus France. What amount of support you receive depends on your own resources and the cost of rent.

If you are going to France, make sure you have a bank account there. All aids are provided through banks. But, before all that you have to prove that you really are living in a house and you really do need support and you are not trying to con them.


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Students can do Jobs


Students who don’t have their family’s financial support in studying abroad, live a really difficult life earning their degree. Some countries don’t even allow international students to earn but give a limited time. In French law all international students can work. Just one restriction that they cannot work full time.


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An international student is allowed to work up to 60 percent of full time hours. So, they don’t put all their energy in just job and forget the real purpose of going to France. If you work 60 percent of full time hours, you will not have any problem living there because their tuition fees are also very low.


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