ISLAMABAD: The United States government introduced the second phase of its Merit and Needs Based Scholarship Program (MNBSP) which will advantage 3,000 capable students who are in requisite of financial help to pursue higher studies.
The second phase of this U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded scholarship program was declared by Gregory Gottlieb, Mission Director, USAID) Pakistan at an event also joined by Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Reforms and Development.
Vice Chancellors of USAID’s and Professor Mukhtar Ahmad, Executive Director, Higher Education Commission partner universities were also have presence.
There are total of 1,807 scholarships were given in Phase 1of the program and more than 1,350 of these students have already achieved undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
The scholarship program also assisted as a compound for other donors to award scholarships at contributing institutions, causing in more than doubling the number of students registered since 2004.
“The U.S. government via USAID has categorically to increase the Merit and Needs Based Scholarship Program via HEC by gives them an additional $23.1 million to help 3,000 more brilliant Pakistanis.
Eighteen further universities have been involved and new fields of study will permit Pakistanis to continue their degrees in the most required fields of studies to see the requirements of the job market”, said Gregory Gottlieb, Mission Director, USAID.
He further said that “half of these scholarships have been reserved for women, and to support guarantee that we attain this goal four women-only universities have been instructed to the lengthened program”.