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Student Counseling Service (SCS)

  • 03218425011
  • ICD House 107 Mamdot Block Mustafa Town Wahdet Road Lahore 54600 PAKISTAN
Student Counseling Services Pakistan Institute of Career Development is involved in student recruitment, English language training and testing, Educational fairs and outreach activities. Agency is working in Pakistan for more than a decade for student recruitment since 2002
SCS is exclusive recruitment partner & country office holder for various educational institutions and in this capacity is extensively involved in screening of the students, documents checking, linkage activity with Pakistani institutions, keeping partner institutions profile high in competitive education market. We recruit around 200 students each year for international markets. SCS has 5 offices in Pakistan – Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar, Gujranawla and Sialkot. SCS is signatory with Background checks – a company we use for document vetting and screening. SCS do not use sub agents, focus on quality of student rather than quantity and build its reputation with partner Institutions.
SCS sister organization Institute of Career Development ( ICD ) is involved in English Language assessment exams of Cambridge English UK, ETS TOEFL iBT USA, Pearson Test of English & HSK exams as an Authorized Test Centre in Pakistan. ICD has 3 Test Centers in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad testing around 200 test takers each month. Many of these test takers are also interested in study abroad. So SCS is able to offer English Test preparation and testing for interested students besides taking care of admissions and visa.
SCS is trained by Education UK, ICEF Agents Training Program and PIER Australia.
Dr Osamah Qureshi is also linked up with Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of Education on various projects including Knowledge City Lahore & Peshawar. He is actively involved with Govt. sector on educational promotions and his company signed various MOUs with local Universities for higher education.
He has attended various international conferences on Education and English Language Assessments like ICEF, CEM Training Cambridge English, NAFSA and AIEC. He presented papers about Pakistan education market at these forums in last few years portraying soft image of Pakistan
He can be contacted at Skype: scspakistan1 Cell: +923008425011

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