A place to live is very important part of life where you can relax and feel comfortable. Accommodation is particularly a question from the students who are planning to study abroad. However, it is a problem to arrange a good place to live when you are not in the country yourself. You are in your homeland and have to arrange an accommodation in France where you can go only after a long flight. This article will guide you in this issue of student accommodation in France.
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How to Get Accommodation in France?
If you think that you can search a place right after landing in France, that’s not possible. It takes time to find a good comfortable accommodation. Solution to that is to find a place in advance before you move. But the problem is, how do we know if the place that we booked online by paying few month’s rent in advance is not a scam or fraud. It can be difficult to get an accommodation in admission days so it is also recommended to register one for yourself several month in advance.
University Administration:
First try to see if university is offering any accommodation. Universities have On campus or Off campus student accommodations. If you can get one of those it is best. Otherwise acquire university administration’s help in getting you an accommodation.
Personal Contact in France:
If you have a contact in France, get their help. They can see and register a place for you. They can also be your guarantor for the accommodation otherwise you will have to pay a big security fees.
Register a Temporary Place:
You can book a temporary place for about 3 months. Move in a temporary place and then find a good place to live without any hustle. These temporary places can be an apartment or hostel which can be booked online.
Real Estate Agent:
Getting help of a real estate agent in France is also one way to go. But you have to find a trustworthy agent for that because you will be transferring some online money. You will also have to pay them commission equivalent to about one month’s rent.
Study Abroad Consultants in Pakistan:
This is the safest, most comfortable and recommended option. You can simply acquire the services of a study abroad consultant in Pakistan. They will not only help you get a visa but also set things for you in France. They also have contacts to get you an accommodation according to your requirements. They don’t even charge much. If you compare their fees to real estate agent in France, you will feel like they are doing it for free.
Click the link to see Pakistan’s Best Study Abroad Consultants registered with studyabroad.pk. You can also fill the inquiry form on right and our expert study abroad consultants will contact and guide free of charge.
There are more than one options to select as accommodation in France. Let’s get to know them so you can select one most suitable for you.
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1 - Private Hostels
Hostel is any house or building where a room or a seat is assigned to live with all basic facilities. You can either rent a whole room for yourself or get a seat which means that you will share a room. In hostels, rooms are provided with facilities like a bed, fan or AC, lights, closet, Internet and sometimes a mess or a kitchen. Good thing about hostels is that you don’t have to worry about any cleaning, bill, utilities or management as it is all done by hostel administration. Some hostels even provide the service of laundry.
There are plenty of hostels in France particularly in student cities. These hostel are also established near a university to make it easier for students. You can find a lot of hostels online. Private hostels can cost between 300 – 800 EUR per month.
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2 - Apartment/ Flat
An apartment or flat is a private personal place to live. You can rent an apartment of one or more rooms according to your need. An apartment will have a proper kitchen and bathroom. You will have to arrange beds and other living needs yourself. You can also share a flat with someone who is already living. If you have more friends with you then simply rent a whole place so you don’t have to live with any stranger. If you rent or share or apartment it will cost between 300 and 700 EUR per month.
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3 - Student Halls of Residence
Students halls of residence are the hostels provided by the university to its students. Usually these halls are built inside in the campus which makes life even easier for students. These student halls of residence are also cheaper than any other accommodation. Since it is on campus, it will be easier for you to move and you will find all your university fellows there too. This way you always have buddies and seniors to help you in all matter including studies. Student halls of residence often also provide the facility of mess that is not only cheaper but you also get quality food. These halls usually cost between 150 to 600 EUR month.
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4 - Society or Greek Houses
It is a long shot and not recommended to depend on however I must inform you of this option too. In big universities of France you will find Greek houses, student societies and clubs. They usually have a house of their own inside the campus. Only members are allowed to live there. The problem is that you don’t easily get to be in one of them. First you will have to start studying in university and then fulfill certain conditions to be eligible to join them. If you live with them, living cost will only go up and you will also have to manage the place yourself with other members.
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4 - Paying Guest
If you can find a family in France who may have an extra room then you can also live as a paying guest. However, this usually requires personal contact with the host family. There are some people in France that have taken paying guest but they need some guarantee first. Living as a paying guest gives you the feeling of home and you get to live a real French life in French society instead of in hostel with all other students and foreigners. Paying guest are usually also provided with homemade food. How much does the family charge you, depends on them and your relation with them.
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