Every student is required to show proof that he/she has arranged a proper place in Hungary before they are issued study visa. Only few hours of the day are engaged in university class and the rest is spend in house. So, it is recommended to keep an open hand when it comes to accommodation and choose a place that is most comfortable for you. Accommodation in Hungary does not appear cheap to the students from developing countries however it is moderate compared to other European countries. Rent in Hungary is average 182% higher than Pakistan according to Numbeo.com estimation.
Hungary is a developed country with good administration and a popular tourist destination because of its culture and beauty. Living in Hungary will be, without a doubt, a fun experience while you also get quality education. This article will guide you about all the accommodation options you have and how to register a right place for you in Hungary from your country.
See Also: Complete Cost and Expenses of Studying in Hungary
How to Get Accommodation in Hungary?
It can be dilemma to arrange a housing in Hungary while you are in your homeland. Let’s first discuss all the means to get accommodation in Hungary then I have shared all types of accommodation you can choose from.
University Administration:
You should contact the university administration about accommodation on their website after your application is accepted. It is one of their jobs to guide international students in every possible way. Universities also offer On-Campus residence and if there is no place left for you, they can also help you get a private residence.
Personal Contact in Hungary:
This is one of the most effective ways to find a nice student accommodation in Hungary. If you have any friend or family living in Hungary, ask them to look for a place for you. Since you can rely on them, there will be no problem of getting tricked.
SEE ALSO: How to Apply for Study in Hungary? See Complete Application Process
Register a Temporary Place:
Sometimes students register a temporary place online for 2 or 3 months before moving to Hungary. They go to live there and if they like the place, they settle there. Another way is to reserve a hotel room for few days and yourself search for a good accommodation. However, proof of a proper accommodation in Hungary is required before you are issued a study visa.
Real Estate Agent:
Try to look for a property agent in Pakistan who deals in Hungary which is almost impossible to find. Otherwise acquire services of a real estate agent in Hungary. You can find many agents online but you can also easily be scammed there. It would be safer if you can get someone in Hungary to find you an agent.
Study Abroad Consultants in Pakistan:
Many study abroad consultants in Pakistan not only get you admission in university of Hungary but they can also make other arrangements for you as well. They can help you prepare required bank statement, register a good student accommodation in Hungary and even arrange pick and drop service from airport to your residence when you land in Hungary.
We have Pakistan’s most successful study abroad consultants register here with us. Simply fill the inquiry form on this page and our consultants will contact and guide you without charging any fee. Click the link to find the best study abroad consultants in your city.
Following are all the accommodation options you have for your stay in Hungary.
SEE ALSO: How to Get Student Visa for Hungary
1 - Private Hostels
Hostels have almost every facility of student need. There are plenty of hostels found in Hungary particularly near universities. You can get a room or seat (sharing a room with others) in these hostels. These rooms are furnished with basic needs like fan, closet, lights. If you spend more you can get a room with air conditioner, heater, table and bed. Depending on the facilities, private hostels cost from 200 EUR to 300 EUR per month.
2 - Apartment/ Flat
Apartment or flat can be any independent private residence. If you want to live without any rules and restrictions then this will be best option for you. Students don’t have the facilities like hostels in apartments and have to manage everything themselves. You can either share a room or rent a whole flat for yourself. In apartment you will also have a kitchen so you can cook yourself. Kitchens are usually not available in hostels for students. An apartment in Budapest, capital of Hungary, cost from 250 EUR per month.
SEE ALSO: Best Student Cities in Hungary for International Students
3 - On-Campus Hostels
University also provides its own accommodation for its students. These hostels are usually inside the campus which makes every student need easily approachable. Most of the time you won’t even need transportation unless going outside the campus. These hostels also provide security for students so on-campus hostels are recommended specially to females. You should first apply for accommodation on campus. Students are given every facility there including laundry, internet and a TV room. Usually 2 – 3 students reside in one room. Each student has to pay around 200 EUR per month.
See Also: Job Market, Residency and Opportunities in Hungary for Students
4 - Paying Guest
This type of accommodation is only possible if you have some relative or good contact in Hungary. Most of the students don’t use this option unless they are staying at a relative or friend’s house. Some families take students as paying guest. You get a furnished room with every facility including food. You live like a guest but the one that also pays. How much they charge you depends entirely on the family. Here must see Benefits and Challenges of Studying of Hungary before taking any final decision.
Here See Complete Free Guide to Study Abroad in Hungary by StudyAbroad