All student visa requests must be made through the Irish embassy or general consultants for Study Abroad in Ireland . No need to submit your applications in person and can be applied by mail or through an agent.
After the submission, a part of student’s documents may be called for interview in the Embassy. If you are invited for an interview, you will be notified in advance and will be asked to plan a convenient time and date.
Visa Fees:
You are needed to make a bank draft in Pak rupees in favor of "Consulate of Ireland", Karachi. However, the submitted fee is non-refundable.
Right to Appeal:
Any decision to refuse a visa for Study Abroad in Ireland may be appealed in writing to: Visa Immigration officer appeals division of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform Legislative Burgh Quay, Dublin 2 Only written requests will be processed. Reference number of the number of visa decisions and nationality will facilitate processing. Obviously, the success of the appeal will be improved if the candidate can provide additional documentation supporting the application or submit a document previously misplaced.
Valid Passport:
There must be at least 6 months validity on your passport from the date of completion of the course. If possible, you must provide copies of previous passports which show the history of immigration applicant. All pages, not just those with valid visas must be comprised.
Evidence of Course:
The University must provide an original letter, which indicates that this person has been recognized to a full-time course of study (specify subject) involving 15 or more hours of learning during the private financing. However, preliminary letter is offering a place that is not acceptable. The university should be able to satisfy the Department of its educational and other identifications as well for Study in Ireland.
This proof must be provided that the cost of the courses has been paid in full. Nevertheless, while it is necessary, is not probable that the candidate pay more than € 6,500 to visa approval. Proof of payment can be included in the above evidence of course of the letter, which must include numbers, fees and other related charges.
Private Medical Insurance:
It is necessary that every aspirant should have full private medical insurance and protection. However, the proof of such insurance coverage is taken as the acceptance letter submitted by the host school, college, university or other educational institute to Study in Ireland . This Letter of Approval comprises the details of the contract of insurance on behalf of each candidate of the host school, college or other educational institution on behalf of the student.
Family members:
All the candidates must unveil details of family members already living in Ireland and in other EU countries. For this reason the family members like cousins ??, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces or grandparents are included.
Curriculum Vitae:
The applicant should include brief summary which gives full information about the history of education and employment from the time he graduated from high school to the present. It is important to consider all the time between graduation and it is thus the exact dates should be given for courses conducted training, jobs held, periods of unemployment, etc. Though, sample CV is attached at the end of this document.