(Further Information & FullLinks to All The latest Scholarships, Free Education and Student News canbe found on our FB & Web page the details which are shown below). http://www.facebook.com/resourcemanagementonline www.resourcemanagementpk.com You have requested to see us and now we have obliged, come and meet us and have a great day. Meet our professional study advisors whose sole aim is to provide you the best guidance. TheProfessionals ResourceManagement Your One Stop Solution Provider +(92) (0) (51)8351094 +(92) (0) (51)8351093 +(92) (0) 3358075935 Skype: tanvier1786 www.resourcemanagementpk.com http://twitter.com/rmanagementpk http://twitter.com/tanvier1786 https://plus.google.com/114088995328075547687/posts http://facebook.com/resourcemanagementonline " The Impossible We Do At Once Miracles Take ALittle While Longer"
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at Football Ground, Quaid-I-Azam University Campus, Islamabad.
For The First Time in Pakistan Resource Management Your One Stop Solution Provider is pleased to announce that in collaboration with ICSE ( International Centre For Study Exchanges ) will be at this event to provide you professional guidance and study admissions . Please students bring your documents for immediate assessment .
The Diplomatic Insight in collaboration with QAU Alumni Association, Institute of Peace and Diplomacy (IPD) and Department of Anthropology, Quaid-I-Azam University is organizing “International Cultural Festival 2014- Education and Cultural Connections for Peace” on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at Football Ground, Quaid-I-Azam University Campus, Islamabad.
While firmly believing and standing by the United Nation’s principles of Peace and promotion of Education for Youth, The Diplomatic Insight, IPD and Department of Anthropology, Quaid-I-Azam University are organizing this festival in order to promote understanding of diverse cultures of the world including Pakistan thus connecting young students of the University, having diverse cultural backgrounds themselves, with people from different nationalities and cultures.
It is a joint effort to celebrate this festival and to share not only cultural and traditional understanding with Pakistani people especially youth but also various opportunities of Education that exists for them to explore avenues of highest learning.
We request you to come and join us with your families
Resource Management
Your One Stop Solution Provider
" The a Impossible We Do At Once Miracles Take A Little While Longer"
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