A few months back, from the time of writing this article, there was video viral on all social medias and news channel. That video showed a young man burning money in front of a homeless guy belittling him. If you don’t understand what this gesture means, take yourself on homeless guy’s position. You don’t have any place to live, no job, no money, you live on the streets depending on only what pedestrians may give you out of pity.
In cold or hot days, you are always on the streets. Some days you get to eat sometimes you don’t. Now imagine an arrogant rich kid comes in front and instead of helping start making fun of your misery along with friends. You need money and he takes out money but burns it in front of you. That got to break you from inside, demeaning you more in spite of your current desolations.
Now, the point that makes it more the hateful act. This wretched incident occurred in United Kingdom and the despicable boy who burned the money was an elite student of University of Cambridge. Cambridge is one of world’s oldest and top elite ranked universities. It is considered to be one of the institutes that are leaders in the world of education. To get admission in such university one either has to be luckiest in the world or extraordinarily intelligent and hard working. Even the alumni of such institutions are considered elite.
That video is a very big questions on the educational standards of Cambridge. Are we really supposed to believe that people like that are of higher standards than us and will future leaders of the world. What education was given that led a young boy to commit such pathetic gestures. What did he think he is? It was definitely an arrogant act by someone who thinks himself superior to others.
This is not the first time of such instances from United Kingdom. So called ‘Lords’ have done this many times. I was once told that people of this region are really arrogant and think too high of themselves. I didn’t believe it until I read history and about certain occasions. Many other examples of university students doing such rubbish acts can be found on internet. I also read a shocking news on well-known UK bases online platform. According to that news, It is said that in a house of prestigious Oxford University called ‘Bullingdon Club’, it is one of the ceremonies to burn a 50 Euro note in front homeless person in order to officially become its member.
Are All Students Like This?
Though there have been such instances but acts of this type are not very common. This type of behavior is usually found in people from strong rich backgrounds. But even they have to be careful because United Kingdom is not without law. Rules and laws are very strictly abided there and anyone violating it should be ready for a big penalty as you don’t get out of charges by handing 1000 rupees under the table.
Even the student, Ronald Coyne, who burned the 20 euro note in front of homeless guy was not left unpunished. He was a member of Cambridge University Conservative Association which is a big deal there. Good news is that he was a member and not anymore as they invoked his membership after video of this incident went viral. If they are punished, it will definitely limit the number of incidents.
When I said it is not very common nowadays, I meant it because Law has become stronger, people have the liberty of speech and you now have social medias. If all students were like this, there wouldn’t be any petition to expel Ronald Coyne from Cambridge. His own Cambridge fellows condemned it and described it as disgusting act. Here is a video of that homeless describing the occurrence.
Ronald’s own mother condemned his son’s behavior however, said that his son is not like this and that he had called her that he, don’t know why, made a big mistake that he regrets a lot.
Are International Students Safe?
Despite the racist and immoral events that have happened over the years, I would still say that international students got nothing to worry about. You will find many racist imbeciles in United Kingdom but so will you in all countries. Even in your own country, city and town you can relate to many such examples.
When you go abroad for education, you are like a guest to the country and you become the responsibility of its government. International students are always taken extra care of as one bad occasion can ruin that country’s whole image as study abroad destination. In United Kingdom, you will see many arrogant students who think inferior of others specifically foreigners but their arrogance shows their ignorance and narrow minds. It should not affect you as no one is going to just come in front of you and tell and they are better than you. You have to prove it if you are better and it is definitely not a game of words.
Conclusively, there are students who are in United Kingdom who are nice educated and open minded people. There are also many fools who are racists psychopaths, self-claimed Lords and most of them are from Elite class and elite universities. But all that has nothing to do with you as one becomes superior by his character not words and a dog barking at you shouldn’t affect you.
“The university is committed to respecting the rights and dignity of all members of our community. We expect our students to treat others with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times, and the university takes allegations of unacceptable behavior very seriously. We do not comment on individual cases.”