Australian university was established in 1946 but plans of establishing this university go back to 1900. These plans were disrupted by World War 2 and the later resumed in 1942 when Department of Post War Reconstruction was created. In August 1, 1946 this university was formed by Parliament of Australia. At start, this University was organized into four centers John Curtin School of Medical Research, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences and Pacific Studies.
Well known scholars of Australia returned from around the world joined this University, in which Sir Howard Florey (co-developer of medicinal penicillin), Sir Keith Hancock (the Chichele Professor of Economic History at Oxford) Sir Raymond Firth (a professor of anthropology at LSE) Sir Mark Oliphant (a nuclear physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project) were also included. Former Prime Minister Stanley Bruce was the first chancellor and Economist Sir Douglas Copland was the first Vice Chancellor of this University.
Australian National University also known as ANU is research University and it is the only University in Australia which formed by Parliament of Australia. This University is in capital of Australia at Canberra. ANU was basically a postgraduate research University, undergraduate teaching was started when Canberra University College Integrated ANU in 1960. ANU has 10840 post graduate students, 10052 undergraduate students and 3753 staff.
In Australia and Oceania ANU has 1st rank, 20th rank by 2018 QS World University Ranking and 47th by 2016/17 Times Higher Education. Times Higher Education Global Employability University ANU was ranked 22th in 2016. In 2017 Times Higher Education also named ANU as 7th most international University. By CWTS Leiden ranking ANU was ranked 100th.
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ANU Campus and Residential Halls
The main campus of ANU is in capital of Australia at suburb of Acton. Size of this campus is 358 acres which is about 1.45 km. This campus has more than 10000 trees and in 2009 ANU won an International Sustainable Campus Network Award. ANU was also ranked as second greenest University campus of Australia in 2011. The Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and the Australian Academy of Law these are four of five learned societies, The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science and the National Film and Sound Archive are located in this Campus. Next of this campus National Museum of Australia and CSIRO are situated.
ANU has eight residential facilities, which are Bruce Hall, Ursula Hall, Burgmann College, John XXIII College, Toad Hall, Burton & Garran Hall, Graduate House and Fenner Hall. Bruce Hall, Ursula Hall, Burgmann College, John XXIII College, Toad Hall, Burton & Garran Hall, Graduate House these houses are located in campus and Fenner Hall is at Brandon. Bruce Hall was built in 1961 by ANU. Students also lives in privately run units nearby ANU
ANU starts library in this campus in 1948. Arthur McDonald was the first librarian appointed. This Library has six branches and has 2.5 million of physical volumes on Chifley, Menzies, Hancock, Art & Music, and Law Libraries and the external Print Repository. This library is available for ANU students and staff every time.
7 Colleges of ANU
Arts and Social Sciences:
RSSS are schools dedicated to history, philosophy, sociology, political science, international relations, Middle Eastern studies, Latin American studies Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS), Research School of Humanities and the Arts (RSHA),Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) and Research School of Humanities and the Arts (RSHA) are the parts of ANU college of Arts and Social Sciences. Main focus of RSHA is on classics, art history, English literature, drama, film studies, gender studies, linguistics, anthropology, archaeology, also on an art and music school European languages. ANU got 6th rank in world of politics, in social policy administration 7th and in development studies 11th at 2017.
Asia and the Pacific:
Specialty of this College is in Asian, Pacific studies and languages. This college consists on these three Crawford School of Public Policy, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs and Strategic and Defense Studies Centre academic schools. Crawford School of Public Policy is the school of languages, research on public policy and culture. Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs is the school of international affairs of Pacific and Asia and politics. This college is also affiliated with Indiana University's Pan Asia Institute and Columbia University's Weather head East Asian Institute.
Business and Economics:
The ANU College of Business and Economics is consist on four research schools, apart of research also teaches about finance, actuarial studies, economics, statistics, marketing, accounting and management. This college is recognized by CPA Australia, Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Australian Computer Society, the Actuaries Institute Australia, the Association of International Accountants, the Institute of Public Accountants and Chartered Financial Analyst Institute. Also had membership of World Wide Web Consortium.
Engineering and Computer Science
The ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science this college consist on two research schools the chief National information and communications technology research center and Computational Infrastructure National Facility which study about computer science. They are also researching about Algorithms and Data, Applied Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Energy Systems, Computer Systems, Computer Vision and Robotics, Data-Intensive Computing, Information and Human Centered Computing, Logic & Computation, Materials and Manufacturing, Semiconductor and Solar Cells, Software Intensive Systems Engineering, Solar Thermal Group, Systems and Control.
College of Law
ANU College of Law is about teaching and research of environmental law, commercial law, international law and public law. This college also offers professional degrees of J.D and L.L.B. By Q.S world ranking of Universities gave rank in law subject 14th in the world and 3rd among Australia and it is the 7TH oldest law school of Australia.
Medicine, Biology and Environment
The ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment had Research Schools of Biology, Psychology and Population Health, ANU Medical School, John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) and the Fenner School of Environment. Howard Florey, in 1963 John Eccles, in 1996 Peter Doherty and Rolf M. Zinkernagel of this college won Nobel prices because of their research, and this school was formed in 1948.
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Physical and Mathematical Sciences
The ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences consists of schools research in Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Astronomy & Astrophysics, and Physics. Most priority research of this college is nuclear physics and Mark Oliphant gives direction for this. In 2011 Brian Schmidt of this college won Nobel price.
Famous ANU Alumni
Application Procedure and Study Cost at ANU
For undergraduate degree you have to submit online application and if you are international student currently student in Australia or in New Zealand or you are an International Baccalaureate then you have to apply through Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) International.
You can also visit www.anu.edu.au if you have any confusion to apply. Study cost can be $26,682 P.A Full tuition and stipend $1,500 to $5,000 can be paid in 2 installments in semesters for 2017.
Welcome to ANU from Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice Chancellor and President