When a student is deciding to study abroad, multiple weird thoughts come up to his or her mind creating different bad situations one may have to face in an abroad country. When you are about to take a decision, it is normal to have negative thoughts about it. This way you know all the worst that could possibly happen to you. But the problem is that these notions can leave you double minded and you can change your one of biggest life decision.
These panics are not just limited to students but their parents think about too and it a more scary way. No matter where you go and what you do, there will always things you need to watch out for even if you are in your own home. I myself know students who almost cancelled their plan to study abroad because of one of mentioned fears below. Here study abroad team has researched and gathered all the possible scary panics that you have in your mind about moving to new country, and I have also proved how these ideas are just fictional and overrated.
Scared of Homesickness:
I am not going to lie to you, though being a big boy, when this idea hit me, I almost changed my mind to study abroad.
Some people are just very close to their families that the single idea of being away from them scares the hell out of them. In homesickness, you feel very sad and tense when you are away from them. It is really one of the scariest feelings. When you will move away from your family, you will definitely get sick at start no matter what kind of personality you have. Whenever you will feel down, alone, or you are eating or resting, you will miss your family.

Home is the place where your hearts belongs to. But the good news is that homesickness a temporary thing. You will get homesick but it is just for start. With the passage of time you get used to it and either you are eventually going back to your family. So, I would say grip your heart, be strong willing to face challenges because it is a part of grooming. This fear that student face when going abroad for education, is just bad in your thoughts but not much in reality. If you get homesick, you can simply call your family using Skype. You will feel like they are right there with you.
Feeling Inferiority Complex:
“Fear is the thought of Admitted Inferiority.” – Elbert Hubbard
Inferiority complex in simple word is thinking less of yourself compared to other which puts you in a mental that takes away all your abilities. As wise people say, Inferiority complex is a gold plated highway to the throne of depression. So, the question is how this is related to you. We are all aware that quality of education if foreign country, especially in developed one, is way higher compared to our country’s education system. Otherwise we would not be thinking to go abroad leaving our home for education.
We also get scared thinking that in our university there will students from all around the world and teachers level of educating will be of global then how will we survive there. Will we be able to catch up to their level or will be facing a huge failure wasting all our efforts and money. But you really don’t have to worry about it as teachers are professional that is why they have a global level and they know how keep all students with them. They will teach in such a way that all students can easily understand and feel comfortable. This one thing is guaranteed that there is nothing worth to put yourself in inferiority.
Fear of Not Blending in New Culture:
This is common fear as you going to start a new life in an entirely new culture with different lifestyle, language, color
and values than you. At this place, one thinks if he or she will be able to mix in their culture or they will ignore you thinking an outsider. This may be almost valid thing to think but it is not that much big of deal. You will find all types of people in any foreign country. It mostly depends on the personality of individual. There will be some people who might not get friendly with you but on the other hand some may treat you like you are their guest.

“You Have to Taste a Culture to Understand It.” – Debora Cater
In either case, you don’t have to worry. You will eventually make friends who will most probably be native or foreigners like you. As long as you have a good time with them, you have nothing to worry about society. As the time will pass by you will come to understanding with their culture like you are a part of it. However, be patient and no hurry.
Thinking If You Can Make It Alone:
Here is another thought that is common in all students, all around the world. As you have always been used to living with family to whom you can depend on. But all of a sudden you now have to move far away from them and have to take care of all chores yourself. This is one scary thought but it’s a part of growing up. You first depend on your family then you become independent taking care of yourself and after that you are ready to start a family and taking responsibilities.
If you are not willing to take responsibility, you cannot go very far in life as to be successful you have to take risk and their charge. Everything is a little tough in start but it makes you strong. Once you are strong and independent only then you are ready to take on world. Some of you might already be strong enough but just have to make your mind for it.
What About the Diet:
This one, I would say, is a valid question but I still wouldn’t allow it to change my ambition. Everyone definitely has to eat and drink every day.
Different cultures have different fashions of food. Especially if you move to another country, you will find people eating food that are gross for us. Likewise for Muslims, there can also be an issue of Halal and Haram food.

But still worry not as most developed countries are very multicultural and ethnic, you will find all types of food even with Halal branding in every other town. In addition, you also have the option to cook at home or simply eat vegetarian. In starting days you will feel a bit of difficulty but it eventually wears off.
There Might Be Racism:
Because of some past events in USA, people around the world now have the impression that developed countries
are mostly racist. The racism is the absence of Education. In rural or uneducated areas of different you will see this problem but not urban areas and definitely not in universities. You will find all types of people everywhere, some will be good and some bad but it is just like your own country.

Racism is not that common as media highlights it. It is normal to misunderstandings or bad encounters with people but it is not specific to country. All countries, especially those who have to welcome international students, have strict laws and regulation about it and if anyone violates it, he will have to face obvious jurisdictions.
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If You Got Robbed:
As long as you are conscious of your surroundings, it won’t be easy to get robbed. Just in case, you should always have a backup of all your documents and belongings. Don’t carry too much cash and have color copy of your ID cards. It is better to have hide passport and visas at place that even if you are robbed, they should be safe. But in developed countries, one just can’t break to someone’s house and as for streets, you should be careful to walk out in dark and silent places. There is less probability of getting robbed in foreign county compared to your own.
How will You Manage Expenses:
This is a point that you should keep in your mind and have proper planning for it. Education and living in abroad will be expensive and you will difficulties but instead of being scared and running away, you should prepare a plan in advance. Make sure you have all the necessary knowledge of the country’s rates and prices then according to your own budget design your routine. If you plan in advance, you will not have any problem after moving to the country then you can easily focus on your education.

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