Government Scholarships 2021 by the China Scholarship Council (CSC Scholarship) in the Masters and even doctoral (Ph.D.) levels in multiple courses including but not limited to the ones instructed in both English and Chinese languages all at more than 274 of the Chinese institutions of higher learning yearly.

Master Program: CNY 3000 RMB Monthly Stipend, the tuition is free and a room is provided at no charges.
Doctoral Program: CNY 3500 RMB Monthly Stipend with free tuition and as well as free room

1.applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health condition
2.Age and Education Background
●Master degree applicant must have bachelor’s degree and under 35.
●Ph.d degree applicant must have master’s degree and under 40.
3.Generally, this scholarship is not available to those who already studied in China

1.Chinese universities must review all the documents and decide the admission list.
2.Once applicants were admitted, CSC will review the admission list. Applicants then get the scholarship.
3.Every applicant can only take one offer from a Chinese university. Should the applicant get more than one offer, CSC will only grant one to the applicant.
4.CSC will send out the admission letter and JW201 form to the related Chinese universities, universities should send those documents to the applicants.
5. Applicants cannot change the university or major once registered with related universities.
6. If applicant cannot register on time, the scholarship will be cancelled.

Anyone can apply from any Field
For Detail Contact us;
0346-6761680 / 0333 4961680
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