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Difference In National And International Education In All Respective Terms

National and international education are both different types of studies and offer contrasting experiences. According to, every year 59,000+ students from Pakistan visit foreign countries to study abroad.

National education refers to studying in your native living country while in international studies, you go abroad for better and advanced studies. But, what’s the practical difference between national and international studies?

Below is a detailed article on the difference between national and international education in all respective terms:


Country And People Of The Foreign Country

The influence of the new country depends on what country you’ve chosen, as every country follows its unique cultures and traditions. For example, Asian people follow their traditional Asian culture, and western countries follow their western culture.

You’ll meet new people from different cultures and different races. It can develop cultural shock due to different experiences which can take weeks to months for your mind to adapt.

Things To Know Before Deciding To Study Abroad

Language Barriers In Foreign Study

If you’re going to an English-speaking country where the native language is English, then the language barrier will be less than none. Most students can understand English to some extent and over time the human mind adapts to the fluency of the new language.

However, if you’re visiting a non-English speaking country, then the language barrier could be an issue for you. Especially, Asian and northern European countries that aren't English influenced. Therefore, you either have to learn their local native language or use a translator most of the time.

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Concept Of Studies

International education from a renowned institute usually has different concepts of study. They are more focused on skills and practical than theoretical studies. However, it completely depends on the institute you’re choosing.

A renowned international university will focus on dedicated practical experience rather than theoretical studies. On the contrary, most national colleges or universities are only limited to theoretical studies.

Value Of The Degree In International Institutes

Western countries' institutes usually have a better value for the degree. Most national-grade universities or colleges don't comply with international standards. It’s because of the quality education that western and European countries offer.

After studying from an international university or college, your degree will likely have better value than the local institutes. Moreover, international universities will give you the opportunity to look for a job in the same country from where you studied.

But that’s not always the case, if your degree is from a substandard university or college even if it’s in western country, your degree will not have significant value. But in the end, it’s always your skills that make you hired in any company.

Budget In National And International Education

Budget plays a crucial role in international education. Foreign education is always an exorbitant education, while national level education can fall in a budget for most of the middle segment people.

Due to currency value difference, the fees of the international institutes will always be higher than local institutes. Moreover, living place rent, transportation, food, flight tickets and miscellaneous expenses are also involved in the international education budget.

While in national grade education, the major budget is consumed by the institute fees and transportation (if the institute is located near your living area).

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Study Cost In National And International Perspectives

Here’s a small table for studying in abroad vs local studies (estimation):


Local Studies

International Studies

Institute fee Rs.140,000/semester Rs.900,000/semester
Living rent Rs.0 Rs.65,000/month
Food Rs.0-10,000 Rs.60,000/month
Transport Rs.15,000 Rs.20,000
Misc. Rs.20,000 Rs.95,000


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