Going abroad for studies? Here are problems that you will definitely have to face and I bet you had no idea about them. Most people only concentrate on visa, university and place to live. They forget to take some very important details into account. These are some problems that, if you don’t pay attention to, can cause you a great deal of trouble and not being aware of them, you would not know how to deal with them. As Study Abroad team has always been doing, today again, we have mentioned here the most common problems every student faced when they were studying abroad. With that I have also researched and added the best possible solutions to these problems.

This may sound like a little deal at first, but it can actually cause you lots of trouble in saving money. Moving to new country with all different rate prices and currency, it takes some time to get used to it. Every normal human being is used to keep record of their money in their homeland’s currency. If you are going from Asian country like Pakistan, India or China, you will definitely have more problem in it, since these currencies can be very little when compared to others especially from European countries.
Make sure you memorize the currency difference in advance and realize how much things are going to cost you there. Otherwise you may end up spending a lot of money and not even realize it.

Expenses can come in several different forms. A student’s most basic expenses while studying abroad can be transportation, food, rent etc. Most of us don’t really enough money that we can spend openly in foreign country. So, we have to carefully plan everything and every paisa we are going spend in a foreign country. Every country has different rate prices for everything. One thing that, for example, cost you $10 in your country, may charge you more than $100.
To overcome this you must plan out a management of your expenses in abroad. Make sure you have taken every bit into account and divide your finances according to that. Read the following article, there I’ve mentioned all possible all expenses and how you can manage them.
3 - No Friends:
That can really get into your feelings and break you from inside. After going through such a big change, you really someone
for company with whom you can relax and have a fun time. But the problem, you just went to strange land, no one really knows you there. It takes some time to make friends and especially good friends. So, being alone, you start feel like an outsider. When you see other friends and families hitting it off, you even get caught in inferiority complex (feeling less of yourself). That feeling, my friend, is also called Homesickness.

When you are home sick without much friends, and you have nothing to do, you feel like leaving everything here and running home to your family. We don’t want that, do we? After all the effort you just went through to study abroad and now not valuing it. Best way to overcome this difficulty is to keep yourself as busy as possible. When you will not have free time, you will not think about it. As far as it concerned with making friends, you will get friends and good one. Do remembers best friends are not made, they just become your best friends.
4 - Cultural Misunderstandings:
Cultural misunderstanding can be quite embarrassing. Cultural misunderstanding happens when you do something that is totally fine to do in your culture but it is offensive to the others. This misunderstanding can happen even inside your country
when you meet people of different province or city. I remember once when I met my newlywed cousin’s wife. She was from city of Karachi and I am a Lahori. I leaned a little in front of her so she would pat me on shoulder that is an expression how elder females show affection to younger boys. Since she was unaware of this cultural greeting, she got confuse about I was doing then aunt told her to gently pat me on shoulder. This kind of situation is cultural misunderstanding.

Now, in my story there was just a little confusion, what if you are in a foreign country and you unintentionally offend someone terribly? That might cause you from embarrassment to good beating and most probably getting fired form a job. It was always better to research about all possible misunderstandings that might take place in that particular country you chose form education. And, just so you know, you don’t want to call any elder “Uncle” or “Aunty” in any foreign English country.

This is a problem most international students are bizarre of. By time zone difference I mean the difference between the time of the country you are in and time in your homeland. There is a possibility that when you waking in abroad country, your family may be going to sleep. So, how is that an annoyance for students? First is that when you are in a foreign country, you will find yourself talking to your or friends in homeland on regular basis. For that, you always have to manage a time that is convenient for you and for your family inside the time difference. I have seen often students who stay up till late that is a convenient in their country so they could talk with their family.

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