Studying in Japan is a desire of many international students today. Japan has emerged as the key influencer of consumer electronics and technologies in the world for better welfare of humanity. It has maintained high educational standard in the world. International students can take admission in countless academic programs whose medium of communication is English.
Students can learn Japanese while studying programs whose medium of communication is English. It is ranked among safe countries of the world. The technological advancement has been applied in various systems of country like in healthcare. The cost of medical facilities is also low.
The major reason for coming to Japan is lot of employment opportunities. Major international digital brands have their headquarters there. The companies prefer to hire those employees who are highly specialized in their field. I have created a list of those universities which offer programs taught in English Language for the global students.
Prestigious University of Tokyo Get Top in Our List:
University of Tokyo is a public university located in Tokyo who is the capital city of Japan. It has many campuses in city. It is also most old university of Japan which was established in 1877 by Meji Government. The ancient name of the university was Imperial University but got the name after defeat of country in the WWII. It is ranked as leading university in region of Asia. Several notable people have studied from university like many Nobel Prize winners, Prime Ministers of Japan, scientists, authors, architects and entertainers etc. It has also huge facilities for the research. It offers many programs in English.
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Sophia University Grasp 2nd Position in the Educational List:
Sophia University is another option for the international students. It is private university and has many campuses like Tokyo University. It was established in 1913 by the Christian Missionaries in Japan. International students can take admission in some of the academic programs taught in English. The university maintains high standards of social life for the newcomers. There are hostels for the trainees and extra-curricular activities for the students like official newspapers, magazine, dispensary etc. The university has lot of club for entertaining life of students. They can view list of courses which are taught in English.
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Eminent Hokkaido University Gets 3rd Postion in Top Rankings:
Hokkaido University is the national university of Japan. It is located in Sapporo in the north of town’s railway station. It has allied with many other post-graduation schools of the country. It has countless programs for the global students. There are also scholarships available in most of the courses. The university has many distinctive departments. It has struggled hard for secure a top position in the international rankings. The universities have opened various sections for doing extensive amount of research. It has lot of also study exchange programs for the students of other countries. The high school provides several kinds of scholarships for the students. It also offers assistance to the international students for studying in Japan.
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These are the best universities and high schools located in Japan for studying courses in English. Students can select from them.