No one likes to take exams. There are many reasons why students don’t like to take it at the first place. You need to prepare whole lot of stuff in a specific time which makes it hectic and boring. Secondly, if the subject is not of your interest it will even make it more boring for you to prepare it. Last but not the least you never know what’s going to come for sure so you have to overlook the whole stuff in order to secure good grades.
Well, if you have any or all the problems I explained above then keep scrolling to get to know the unconventional ways to prepare for the exams.
Partner with someone in your class:
Group study may be not your type but being with class fellow and study combine will divide the workload of the exams. You can divide the topics of your choice which you know the best and then share your ideas with each other. It will not only help you in understanding the complex topics easily but also keep you engage by discussion.
Discussion is not worthy if you won’t make notes of it. It is nearly impossible to remember all the important points while discussing a dozens of topics.
You can subscribe to Youtube channels like Crash courses, History, NowThis and others to get an understanding of the topic before you study in detail.

Keep the watch:
This is perhaps the most important thing to remember which many students lack while studying to avoid exams stress. Keeping a watch beside you how to manage your time and implement your management in examination hall. Another thing is following the allocated time for each topic will ease some pressure and helps you cover the topics on time.
Taking breaks between studies is also very essential. Doctors have to study for at least 12-14 hours during exams to prepare well. They split the topics and time and take short intervals between studies so that they won’t feel inactive and lazy.

Use tables, graphs to understand complex topics
Study shows that using tables, graphs and making timelines is very handy when it comes to prepare exams especially the theory. Theoretical subjects are mostly dry in terms of the material and the terminologies that are used in it.
You can also use non-verbal ways to keep the information intact in your brain. Cards, images, making own abbreviation to remember list of important points can all work for you.
Take advantage of whiteboard
Whiteboards are quite useful while preparing for exams. It is quite handy in preparing lengthy subjects. Organize your student life with a white board. You can test yourself in a quick whiteboard test in order to analyze your preparation. This includes having a white board or simply a blank sheet of paper, and writing at the top or the center the main ideas or topics you are to be tested on, then writing down every single piece of information or knowledge you have on the topic. Doing such activity forces you to dig deep, to come face to face with what you do know and more importantly, what you don’t know.

Intake fluids and caffeine:
Drinking coffee while preparing exams will not only keep you awake but also hydrated. Keep the tea, coffee and a jug of water beside you while studying. It will also help you focus on studies. Remember to divide the workload in portions and take short breaks while studying so that it won’t bored you. Study shows that taking small breaks during long preparation hours is quite handy to prepare for exams. Watching a movie would refresh your mind for longer study sessions.

Create mental associations with the material:
It is very essential to create mental association with the stuff you are studying. You will get more involved in the study while you are relating it with the material you are studying. You can read out loud instead of simple reading. You can study while walking instead of sitting. Mind maps are very helpful while preparing, it is an easy way to connect a visual overview of different connections.
I don’t know if it works for you but Times new roman is the fastest reading font, the reason it is most used in offices and emails.
Share with your friends whose exams are scheduled soon.
Share with your friends whose exams are scheduled soon.