The Government College University has signed a concord of collaboration with Bartin University, Turkey for production of bio ethanol. The launching ceremony was held at GCU’s Bukhari Auditorium on Monday. Turkish Council General Emir Ozbey was chairperson of the ceremony. This is not first collaboration of Turkish University and GCU, earlier Suleyman Shah University Istanbul (SSU) also signed collaborative accord with GCU.
Pakistan and Turkey share friendly relationships and both the countries have supported each other in the time of need. This research project is funded by Higher education commission Pakistan (HEC) and Council of Higher Education, Turkey. Ethanol is produced by fermentation of crops, for use as a biofuel. Biofuel is used for production of energy that is later converted in different forms to be consumed in transportation, power generation and heat.
Pakistan and Turkey imports 95% of both nations’ energy needs. However with time the need of energy is rising and so are the prices. Pakistan has also been finding other energy sources like renewable energy to cut the high import and raise its GDP.
Bartin University Dean of Science Prof Dr Ahmet Karada while addressing the launching ceremony discussed about the same point. He said Pakistan and Turkey both are dependent on imports to fulfill their energy requirements. There are not enough measures taken to benefit from renewable energy sources.
The two main types of biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. Ethanol is produced from corn and sugarcane crops and biodiesel from edible oils. Pakistan is sufficient in growth of both crops in its soil. But unfortunately, the policies made by government are not significantly implemented.
Bartin University Dean of Science Prof Dr Ahmet Karada said, “Turkey is far behind in the world ranking for bioethanol production which is one the most important renewable energy sources,”
This research programme started by both Universities will benefit greatly Pakistani and Turkish biofuel sector. Dr M Nauman Aftab, Principal Investigator of the project from Pakistan, said, “It’s high time that we must pay attention on mass scale production of renewable energy in the form of biofuel”.
Dr. Aftab said this project will be completed in three years and each year, one Pakistani PhD student of GCU will travel to turkey for two months for this research programme in Bartin University,Turkey. And, “Similarly, three PhD students from Bartin University will also come to GCU.”
Pakistan and Turkey share friendly relationship since 1947. Over the years, both the countries share common ground on Kashmir issue. The trade agreement between Pak-Turkey of worth $500 and $600 million was signed in years 2014-15, which is now exceeded.
The collaborative accord is anticipated to give benefice to education and economy of both countries. There are plenty of Scholarships programmes for students who want to study abroad are funded by Turkish and Pakistani governments.
Here is the list of Turkish Universities which have MoU with HEC.
- Bilkent University
- Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
- Koc University, Turkey
- Sabanci University, Turkey
- Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Izmir University of Economics