In 2019, over 320,000 international students were enrolled to pursue degree programs in Germany. These students made up to 10.5% of the country’s students. This fact allows Germany to overtake France in World ranking with the most degree pursuing international students in Germany. Because of this large number of international students, Germany now occupies the fourth position among the top-ranked study abroad destinations.
International Students Tendency Towards Germany
The reports have been evaluated by the Wissenschaft Weltoffen 2020, DAAD, and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies and showing the statistics that the international students from the MENA countries are increased by 68% in the last three years.
Almost 30% of students came from the Asia Pacific region. Whereas 18.4% of students were enrolled from Western Europe, and 17.7% of students were enrolled from North Africa and the Middle East. China and India are considered as the most popular sources in sending international students to Germany. China sent 13% of students, whereas, 7% of students were enrolled from India.
International students are studying in the three main regions including Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern und Baden-Württemberg. However, the cities with the high proportions of international students are including Berlin, Sachsen, and Thüringen, showing the proportions of 17%, 15%, and 14% respectively.
Over the last five years, the tendency or interest for the master programs by international students is increased by 72%. However, the tendency has increased by 50% and 12% by the international students for the bachelors and Ph.D. programs respectively.
What Is Next Target?
According to the current pandemic situation, it is difficult to evaluate that to what extent the tendency of the international students would reach. However, Germany is still under the interest of international students. DAAD has revealed that the interest of the international students is still high because of the high application rate for the 2020/21 winter semester at the uni-assist association. It is revealed that as compared to the previous year the rate of applications is at 80%.
Joybrato Mukherjee, president of DAAD said that Germany has been able to improve its good reputation among international students. However, around 80,000 students were departed from Germany temporarily and they are facing difficulties to come back. Furthermore, the possible changes in the policy are introducing to facilitate those students to make their comeback possible.
To conclude our discussion we can say that by keeping pandemic aside, Germany is still the most favourite study abroad destination by international students including Pakistani students. Almost 5,753 Pakistani students are currently studying for degree programs in Germany and most of the students are ready to apply for the coming academic session.
Apply Study For Germany Now
Pakistani candidates who are still in favour of Germany are informed that several German universities are still accepting applications for the degree programs. You can process your application to make your dreams of Study In Germany true. However, if you are facing any difficulty at any level of your application, then you can get the complete consultancy of the consultants linked with Studyabroad.pk and are specifically dealing with the German universities.