In order to support and attract international students from across the globe Clark’s University is launching a new study program. The main objective of Global Leaders and Scholars program is to provide the international students an equal access to the advantages of global learning to all students regardless of which culture, race and economy they belong to.
What is the purpose of this program?
Through Global Leaders and Scholars Program, an opportunity is provided to the international students to broaden their perspective regarding study at a US university, whereas also to strengthen their English language, classroom and Campus life skills to gain academic success in the US.
What is Global Leaders and Scholars Program about?
Students participating in this program will have to study at two of Global Leaders and Scholars Program’s global destination. The two study destinations can be the East China Normal University in Shanghai, China or the CIEE (Council on International Education Exchange) Global institute in Berlin. Students will undergo two semesters there to study English and take other preparatory courses for University, according to Clark.
Completing these two semesters in one the two institutes the students will then pass the remaining three year undergraduate program at Clark University, in Worcester, Mass.
This program requires an English language proficiency with at least one of these following test scores.
IELTS 5.5+
Duolingo 85+
John LaBrie, dean of the School of Professional Studies and associate provost, said in a statement that, “We provide an opportunity for international students to transition to studying in the U.S. without delaying their academic progress, while also having a rich intercultural and transnational experience.”
Deadline to apply for this program
The application form for this program is filled and submitted online at the university website. The deadline to apply for this program is June 1, 2021.