Hong Kong Polytechnic University is offering free online course on the topic of ‘English at Work in Asia: Job Applications, CVs and Cover Letters’. The basic motive to introduce this course is helps the students to creating Job application, CV/resume making and develop effective cover letter for getting a good job.
The duration of this course is based on five weeks. Staring date of this course is 9th May, 2016. For more detail please visit the official website. This course is created by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the collaboration of edX.
5 weeks
2-4 hours/week
Job Applications, CVs and Cover Letters
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the collaboration of edX
Free of cost
Students who successfully completed this course will be get certificate. Those candidates who want to get verified certificate will pay $50.
Session starting:
9th May, 2016
Students Learning
Candidates who join this course will learn about the effective CV/resume designing, how they perform well and show leadership skills, how they can write cover letter, and how students can use linked for job search. These are some basic learning points that helps the students very well.
Course outline
This course outline is based on 5 weeks. First week is for Outclassing at Management and Inspiration, second week is based on attainment your CV / Résumé Noticed, third week is based on Marketing Yourself in the Cover Letter, fourth week is based on generating a Absorbing Online Attendance and fifth week is based on Achievement of Lord Calculation.
The instructors of this course are Jessica Xia and Bee Dy.
There no hard and fast rule for students to join any course. Every learner can join any kind of courses.
How to Join This Course
Students who want to join any course, please create account on edX. After login students can activate courses according their interest and studies. Those candidates who will successfully completed any course will get certificate.