How Teachers are Responsible for Wrecked Sindh Education and Examination System
Sometimes I just don’t understand how Pakistani degrees are still recognized on global level. There are no standards of education, people have even lost the sight of what actual education is. If I am to write all that is wrong with Pakistani education system, it would take more than few articles.
Recently, there has been news of leaked question papers and open cheating during intermediate board examination. This tradition has been going on for many years, it is just this time that it’s been highlighted and media has strongly opposed it. Everyone knew how Sindh board examination system. I knew, most probably you knew too. It is just this time that some people managed to record and publish it. Here you can see read the news of Cheating in Sindh Intermediate Exams.
Still no actions are taken against it. All papers are already leaked, all exam centers are found to be using illicit means. Exams are not cancelled, no one is arrested, no one is terminated. Who is held responsible for all that. When I saw an interview of an official of Sindh examination board, he claimed that our examination system has really improved from before and that we are going developing further. I was really confused whether it was sarcasm or a mocking comedy show, sadly that is just how illiterate our administration have become.
The question is, now who should we blame for this absurdness. Are those students responsible in downgrading our education system who were cheating or should we ask those parents who financed and supported them in cheating. Should we arrest those invigilators who, against their duties, let those students cheat dumping all concepts of education or is it because of higher officials, who authorize and do this all rubbish business in their supervision.
One thing is sure that they are all part of this and they are all to blame and take responsibility for sabotaging the prestigious field of education. Education is supposed to guide these souls to good and teaching them to differentiate between good and bad. If we are supporting them in bad, how can we educate them.
Why Our Education System Has Fallen
The very main reason why our education system has fallen is because its own foundation is cracked. From the time you
open your eyes, you are put to school, to study your whole life. Many students work very hard and compete against each other to come first in exam and tests. But they are never told, nor do they ask, why are they doing this.

When you have a purposeless life, all you do is what society tells you to. So, we just go along with what society tells us. When we enter our teenage life, we get an understanding that education and degree is compulsory to get a job and without a job we can’t earn our living. So, they are just interested in degree. With degree, they will get respect from society and they will be able to get a good job.
Education is not for job. The education acquired for job will only produce servants. According to Albert Einstein, “Education is training of the mind to think.” I couldn’t agree more to him. If they knew, that degree is just a prove of their expenses on education but not actually education then they might stop humiliating our so called “education system”.
Roles of a Teacher
Teaching is a very important job. A teacher can change how its students think. A teacher introduces students to the realities of world. A teacher is supposed to be a person who is expert in his relevant field, have exceptional communication skills and loves his job. If a teacher does not love his job, he won’t be able to keep all his students with him.
“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart”
A teacher should be a hero for its students. It is part of the job of a teacher to inspire its students. To open their minds to the world, giving them the ability to think. A teacher believes in its students, gets them out of inferiority complex and motivates towards a better future.
How are Pakistani Teachers
As I have defined how a teacher should be and his/her roles, imagine someone exact opposite to it and there you have a Pakistani teacher. Teaching is not a very well paid job in Pakistan. So, most of those who have the talent and are enthusiastic about this work don’t enter this field.
I once heard from someone that after my software engineering if I didn’t any other job, I could still do teaching. I was offended to my soul as he had no idea I was a professional teacher and loved this job. But his phrase quotes how Pakistanis actually think of teaching.
Pakistan claiming to be a religious Muslim country, don’t follow their own instructions about teachers. In Islam, teachers are given the rights and standard of a parent to a student. But we just think that anyone can do it.
Our government teachers, especially the ones in Sindh province, are not eligible to call themselves a teacher. Most of them are illiterate degree holders who know nothing of education. They were most probably recruited on bribe, or recruiters were also the same as them. If you are not even a teacher, how are you supposed to teach.
“An Educated fool is more a fool than an uneducated fool”
If you yourself can’t differentiate between good and bad, how can you teach your students that. For all that is happening in Sindh board exams, it may not be fault of only teachers, but only teachers could certainly stop that.
First, it was teacher’s job to teach them what education is and why cheating in exams is bad. They should have taught them that education is not for degree nor job.
It was most certainly with the assistance of a teacher who prepared and leaked the question papers before exam to sell them.
Then, I don’t understand what in hell were those invigilators doing when students were using mobile phones and copying from books. Teachers are assigned with the job of invigilation during exams. Those teachers themselves were bought, if they were not why didn’t they stood against it. If they can’t stand up against wrong, how can they teach students to oppose wrong.
I think among all of the people involved in destroying our education system, teachers are the most to blame and they should be punished seriously. I am myself a teacher and say it experience that it’s teachers that are to blame.
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