If you can’t communicate means you can’t understand. The better the communication is, the better you understand. The better you understand, the more and better you learn. Gaining knowledge and understanding is what we call Education. Languages are used to communicate. With our international language English we can’t talk and discuss with anyone. So everyone should learn English as soon as possible as much as possible. By giving the notion to learn this language, I certainly did not mean to leave your own language. My native language is Urdu and like my language more than any other in the world. I even wish Urdu was the international language but it is not. We must never forget or undermine our mother language but rather learn English in addition.
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If the world, as today it is, had started developing from my side of country then maybe there was a little chance of Urdu
being an international language. But in present world, whole world need these western English countries like United Kingdom and United States of America for business and education. So we must learn their language. If you have every noticed these countries the two best countries for higher education with the best higher education system.

English is currently an international language because everyone in world now uses this English to communicate with other on international level. Though, there is no shortage of languages as hundreds of languages are spoken around the world but English became the one language to be a common platform. Of so many languages how much do you think and individual can learn to communicate? Even if you work very hard on languages, you might be able to learn communication in about 15 to 20 languages and still can’t say that with only these languages you can do business with anyone in the world.
You can find this much languages in just one country Pakistan. What about when it comes to global level where one must know all languages of hundreds of countries. Well, the point is that having a united platform such as English language for whole world, has made it easier to go anywhere in the world for any purpose and you can survive or succeed there depending on the circumstances. Today’s world is called a global village and it is true as whole world has become like a small village where everyone is kind of same and they all can easily contact and deal with each other. As the world is, a country alone can’t grow further on its own. It needs other countries in all fields of life especially business. With English this communication task has become very much easy which helps expand the limits of a growth.
If we talk about business, education is an integral part for business. You need to have understanding of the world and
how things and people work to do business. I am not saying that education is for business but education is important if you want to do business. Some people say that education is for job or to earn money but I say those people lack education this is why they are saying stuff like this. Purpose of education is to develop understanding of things in a student’s mind so he can think and invent, discover or innovate further.

If you want real education studying abroad is very important even more than we think. It is not just in case if your study abroad destination provides better education than your own. Even if your country has the best education system in the world, it can’t provide the diverse understanding, perception of whole world. As long as you are in your country, you are limited to its rules, thinking and perception. We should go abroad even if it’s difficult for you so you can learn what different perception world have of different things. Inside your country, you will be taught within the boundaries of what they deem right. They will tell that something is right but they can’t tell you WHY it is right. If you go to another country they will teach you according their own understanding, perception and knowledge. This way you get more than one views of the world and you understand it better and select and follow and discover what others did not understand.
Academic English:
In English there are numerous accents, styles and kinds. Being a student, your primary concern should be to learn Academic English. Academic English is a genre of English that is used in the world of research, teaching, study and in all international universities. If you ever take an online lecture of some academic course, they will most probably be using academic language. Don’t get it confused with an entirely new language, it is English language. There would be just a little difference in communication whether verbal or written. It is better to have an understanding of Academic English before you move to a foreign country. Some renowned English universities like King’s College London offer courses, sometimes even free, to facilitate students in their education. For better academic English you should have some basic knowledge and understanding of the following fields. You can easily find free online lectures to learn them. They are not very difficult.
1. Academic grammar
2. Academic vocabulary
3. Conducting literature reviews
4. Presentation skills
5. Writing research paper
6. Pronunciation skills

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