International student concern over for Australia pilot program for students
Still worried about when will Australia open borders for international students well worry no more as Students who have been enrolled as International Students Australia will be very relieved to know that Australia government has initiated the pilot programs allowing foreign students to return home to Australia as it welcomes International students return to nsw state. Studying abroad has always been the ultimate dream of every bright and promising student as it opens up new doors to learning opportunities as well as broadening student’s minds, utilizing educational theories into practice and experiencing real time issues firsthand. Australia state of Victoria is also launching its pilot program to bring foreign students which is also very good news for international student’s from all over the world.
Students Returning to Australia facing issues
Many international students were concerned regarding as to when will Australia open borders for international students but as they worry they might have to face increased tuition fees as well increase living expenses along with the concern that their study program like for example media and communication might get low priority for entry towards returning international students as compared to in demand study fields like engineering and medicine.
Stella Quang being president of Deakin Vietnamese international students & extension society express her concern for education costs as well as for required compulsory quarantine procedure declared by the Australian government as to how will Australian government treat them differently if they were infected by Covid as compared to those who have been vaccinated.
Many international students have already paid full fees for online education as well as for the experience of using Australian university infrastructure but the students have had not been given clear information regarding priority or importance towards Australia.
Australia’s International student’s Pilot program
Recently the Australian government approved the Coronovac or Sinovac and Covishield vaccines official for cases regarding international students return to Australia. As International students return to nsw they will have to face mandatory covid quarantine period as per the state law as each state of Australia is launching its own pilot programs for international students return. NSW state of Australia will not charge returning international students whereas the state of Victoria has decide to charge 5000$ for their international student quarantine period.
Australia losing popularity
As the world adapts towards the new pandemic conditions , Australia has lost its rank as compared to UK, US and Canada as Australia has 130,000 international students studying online compared to 210,000 enrollments the previous year resulting in loss of $ 40 billion dollars from the education field. The Australian universities have already suffered $2.2 billion international student drop in the year 2020 as they closed the international borders as precautionary measure for ongoing pandemic. Australia NSW state has decided that 250 students will be brought every fortnight as International students return to nsw. The state of Victoria has allowed 120 international students per week initially.
Australian Universities not all in chaos
The Australian government invested $1billion for the education research sector but was not successful in keeping the research sector free from loss as $1.8 billion was lost in the year 2020 amounting to 35000 University job downsizing as the universities of Australia government was reliant on foreign student funding.
Australia’s international Chinese student enrollments have gained 6.4% increase in comparison to July of last year. Vicki Thomson the G08 was concerned as there exists risks regarding the issue as to when will Australia open borders for international students as he sated that long term border closure will impact international student enrollments in the year 2022-2023 as Canada, UK and US will likely take the lead in becoming favorite study destination.
Future of Australian Education
As Canada is becoming number one choice for international students triggering concern as Australia could turn the tides by coming clean regarding its plans towards international students or through better communication towards international students like encouraging students to study in fields that are more in demand in the country by giving incentives.