Japan’s Ambassador to Pakistan has said that Pakistani students should avail Scholarships opportunities provided by Japanese Universities while addressing in oath taking ceremony held at UET University, Lahore. Japanese Ambassador, Takashi Kurai said, “Pakistani youths were very talented and they have creative minds. They should get benefit from scholarship offers by Japan because the doors of Japanese Universities are always open to them”.
He was attending an oath taking ceremony of Monbukagakusho Alumni Association of Pakistan (MAAP) at UET University. Several faculty members, VC of UET, Prof Dr Fazal Ahmad Khalid and a large number of students of UET University along with members or MAAP attended the event. The Ambassador praised the academic faculties and the rising trend of research projects in Pakistani Universities.
The Universities in Japan are divided into three categories: National Universities (Established by Japanese Government), Public Universities (Established by Local entities or Public Corporations) and Private Universities (Established by Private Educational Corporations). More than 70% of Japanese population holds higher education degrees. Japan has strict policy for accreditation of Universities quality education assurance. There is no doubt that this strict criterion has made Japanese Universities stand high in world rankings of the top Universities.
For enhancement of quality of education in Japan, three policies must be clarified by Japanese Universities. These policies are: Policy for awarding academic degrees in which Universities have to clarify the policy for awarding academic degrees and education and research purposes, Policy for curriculum in which Universities have to work out systematic educational content and instruction and to secure students’ learning activity and appropriately evaluate their performances and the Third Policy is: Policy for acceptance of admitted students in which Universities have to clarify the criteria for selecting students and to conduct admission process properly, especially in the case of recommendation.
Japan is host to a large number of international students in its Universities. It is one best study abroad destination because many factors: the part-time jobs are abundant and pay highly on per hour basis, there many student accommodation options (separate and shared) and best academic facilities. As per the calculations done in 2017, there were about 267,042 international students studying in Japanese Universities. Japanese Universities are famous for expertise in academic courses related to IT, Engineering, technical and vocational training institutes, computer engineering and medicine. Most of the Japanese Universities also provide Guides for selection of courses in their official websites.
Here is list of scholarships programmes being run by Japanese Universities for International and Pakistani students:
- Japanese Government Scholarships for International Undergraduate Students
- Fully-Funded Rotary Peace Fellowships 2019-2020
- JFUNU Scholarships for PhD in Sustainability Science
- 4- JFUNU Scholarships for MSc in Sustainability Programme for Developing Country Students
- UNU-INWEH Scholarships in Integrated Drylands Management for Developing Country Students
- ADB-Japan Scholarship Program for Developing Countries in Asia and Pacific
- Ting Hsin Scholarship at Waseda University
- YKK Leaders 21 at Waseda University
- Japanese Government Scholarships for International Research Students
- KUT PhD Scholarships in Engineering for International Students