Study in Canada from Pakistan
Canada’s education system is excellent and ranks among the best in the world. Moreover Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English-speaking countries. Canada offers internationally recognized degrees. Canada boasts a wide range of quality educational institutions for both degrees and diplomas in technical and professional disciplines for Pakistani students.
Canadian Official Representative in Pakistan related with Uniguide Pk provide us opportunity of which Universities offer a broad range of degrees from undergraduate to doctorate. While Colleges offer a broad range of UG, PG diplomas& applied degrees, which are more vocationally oriented, skill-based, specific and shorter in duration compared to a university degree. These diplomas may have a transfer agreement with universities for students to transfer up to 60 credits and gain entry into the 3rd year of a degree program. A University-College offers both diplomas and degrees.
A significant number of university graduates attend college upon completion of their degree in order to acquire vocational skills for employment.
8-A, Lawrence Road,
Lahore, Pakistan.
Cell: +92(0)3213484786
Tel: +92(0)4236301805-6
Fax: +92(0)4236305488
Skype ID: tanveer.nazeer
Approved: Qualified Education Agent Counsellors (ICEF):
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