Quacquarelli Symonds is world’s leading Academic Ranking organization. Whatever rank they may give to any institute it is accepted worldwide for many years. Recently they published their ranking of each country’s higher education system. With the Ranking they also mentioned the percentage of points given to each of them according to certain specified merit.
In their ranking, USA has the strongest Higher Education system. USA ranks 1st and has scored 100 out of 100 points. 2nd position is secured by UK which scored 98.5 points out 100.
It is no wonder if one these countries have yet again proved themselves to be the guardian of modern quality education system. The editorial that makes us Pakistani’s drown in shame is that Pakistan scored the worst in higher education system. Of total 50 countries Pakistan ranks 50 and that is not just all, it is like they have really worked hard to earn this place because they scored 9.2 points out of 100 for this.
Our rival neighboring country, India, has scored 60.9 out of 100 and boasts at 24th place in best higher education system ranking, that is higher rank than even Turkey, Russia and Norway. Congrats to our Indian brothers. But for us Pakistanis it is a moment of Worry. While world flies into the future we are here stuck on celebrity glamour, Chai Walas and criticizing others.
Our beloved Pakistan is being governed by illiterate selfish powerful families. They claim to spend millions of rupees on Education on annual basic. I don’t see any Quality Education here. Complete Ranking and Reference in given below.
Why Should We Believe this?
For those of you, who think it’s just a ranking by some local private organization, which know nothing about Pakistan. I tell you, their ranking is right! You know how? If you have ever taken Provincial board’s examination, you must have observed this yourself.
“I am myself a witness of uncouthness of our government teachers. They took bribe and let students cheat. They let them open books, change their seats and see from each other’s sheet in board’s exam. I have taken part in board exams of 9, 10, 1st year and 2nd year. Out of four times, three times in 9, 1st year and 2nd year, all in different exam centers with different teachers, I witnessed this vulgarity."
How on earth did they become teacher? Who recruited them? This means recruiters themselves are like these imbeciles? Do they not work under government? Who will improve this system?
After this Higher education system is also nothing more than a dummy. All students are just prepared to pass rote the whole syllabus and pass the exam. Students only want good Grades and a degree so, they can get a job. There is no quality research in our universities.
Our universities are just made for pure business. They have no concern with education. They charge students heavy amount of tuition fees and make them a Degree Holder. If you don’t believe read about the story of BZU Lahore Campus, how they trapped four thousand students’ future and billions of rupees.
· [Here is Complete Detail of Why Foreign Education is Better than Pakistani Education]
“Having a Degree or skill does not mean you are Educated.”
Reference: TopUniversities.com of QS World Ranking
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