If you are planning to study in UK and got an acceptance from the university you are interested. After generating acceptance letter the university ask for an online interview. This UK credibility interview is a 20-30 minute one-on-one interview b/w student and a representative from the university admission office.
After getting an acceptance letter from the university, next step is interview, University admission office call the applicant for an interview. The credibility interview allow the university to measure student’s communication skills.
This interview consist on some basic questions related to study area, future plans and contribution to home country. Following are the most asking questions that should be consider for interview preparation. The university will ask the student about his/her availability and app to be used for online interview.
How To Prepare For Interview?
Here are some tips described that a student must follow, like
Avoid generic answer _ be specific about the course
Understand the program content
Avoid double plan discussion_ never discuss any plan of living and working in UK
Student’s motivation in the course
Explain clearly how you will support yourself financially
List Of Questions That May Be Asked During Interview
Why did you choose UK for studies?
Have you consider this course in Pakistan or in any other country?
Course And Institute Related Questions
Why did you choose this course to study?
How this courses will be assessed?
Where does the university rank in the field of your course?
What course related facilities are offered by the university?
Did you apply to other universities in UK for the same course?
If yes then further questioning could be like
What were the entry requirements by other universities?
What were the course fee for university you consider for the same course?
Why did you not choose to study at these universities?
What was the last course of study you completed and when was this?
Where you spend your time since you completed that course?
How much you have been earning since completion of last course?
Questions Related To Future Plans
What are your future plans?
How will studying this course help you to achieve your future plans?
Is there any company in your mind where you want to work?
Have you approached any of the company?
Questions Relate to Funds
How much will it cost you to complete this course?
Do you have bank statement that approve the funds availability?
Who is funding your studies?
What job does your financial sponsor do and his/her income?
How many dependents are there on sponsor’s income?
Will you have to pay back this money once you have completed your studies?
Questions Related To Living In UK
Where will you live in UK?
How will you travel to study point form your residence?
Where did you find this information?
Do you have any friend or family in UK?
Did you use a consultant agent in application process?
If more information is required submit this inquiry form.