Mr Alexey Yurivich Dedov visited The Government College University (GCU) on Friday and addressed the students of GCU regarding the growing relationship between Pakistan and Russia. A large number of students and professors of GCU attended the event. The event was organized by GCU’s Quaid-e-Azam Political Science Society. During his address, the Russian Ambassador discussed the partnership shared between Pak-Russia on several economic projects.
He illuminated the geopolitical importance of Pak-Russia relationships. Russia is collaborating in gas pipeline project between Iran and Pakistan by giving technical and economical support. The Vice- Chancellor of GCU Prof Dr Hassan Amir Shah mentioned the issue of limited scholarships opportunities for Pakistani students in Russia to the Russian Ambassador and emphasized upon the enhancement of academic research and academic collaboration between the two countries. The Russian Ambassador said Russia has issued more visas to Pakistanis this year as compared to the past.
The Russian Ambassador highlighted that there is a large population of Muslims in Moscow. After his address to the students, the Russian Ambassador interacted with students and a question- answer session was also held at Fazl-e-Hussain Reading Room of GCU. Prof Dr Khalid Manzoor Butt who is the head of GCU’s Quaid-e-Azam Political Science Department was also present during the event.
Pakistanis in Russia constitute a small community having almost population of 3,000. The Pakistani students studying in Russia are mostly admitted in medical Universities. The major Pakistani Population city of Russia is Moscow. There is also Pakistan Study Centre in Russia which is associated with State Library of Russia. The Government of Russia has introduced many scholarships and accommodating policies to encourage enrollment of foreign students in its Universities.
There more than 243,752 international students enrolled in Russian Universities for under graduate and post graduate courses. The reason of accommodating foreign students in the country is to maintain healthy foreign relations with the world. The recruitment opportunities for students were also revised the registration card of Russian University can be utilized as work permit for facility of international students. Until 2017, the students studying in Russia for under graduate program have to go back to their native country for expansion of their visas, but now the new policy allows them to expand their visas while living in Russia.
The Russian Government has an aim to expand the strength of international students up to 700,000 by 2025. It is introducing generous scholarship policies which will include fee waivers, accommodation expanses, and monthly allowance of 1,500 roubles (£18) to higher education students. The Ministry of Education and Ministry of Foreign Russia is looking forward to enhance a generous expansion of recruitment boundaries to countries belonging to continents of Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Here is the list of Scholarship Opportunities for Pakistani students in Russia:
- Government of Russia Federal scholarships
- The School of Russian and Asian Studies
- Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarships
- BP in Russia Research Scholarships
- American Councils Scholarships
- Open Doors Russian Scholarships Project