There is often news on media about some foreigners or Muslims being confronted by Racists. This creates a question for every foreigner in every part of the world if they would be secure. Today some passerby may harass them verbally but what about tomorrow if someone hurt them physically or become a danger to their life with unreasoned hatred. I have myself heard many stories when foreigners especially Muslims were abused for no specific reason but just because they are different.
One of the most racist countries is United States of America and it is happened to be the best country for higher education. In one of articles published on Study Abroad, I have shared all the reasons and views about studying in a racist country. If you are looking for an answer if and how you would be secure while studying abroad in a foreign university then you first need to understand racism and its reason. Racism is act or practice of believing other color, cast, nationality, creed, culture or language lowly than one’s own then hating them and abusing or harassing them in thought, verbally or physically. Every well educated person is aware that all humans are made equal and people should be judged by their character not from their color.
As education is developing and world in becoming more global racism has become rare to find. There are places and people in the world who are racist but now they are lacking as quality education changes one’s way to thinking and mentality and give them better exposure of wrong and right. If you are going abroad for higher education then you should not worry much about this issue. Students are safer than any other citizen. In this article, I will discuss the reasons why racism is not much big of a deal in your way to study abroad.
University Security:
Studying abroad your most the time will spend inside university premises as other than studies, students are also
accommodated in university hostel dorms. University is a place where you will find the most educated people of a city. Educated people have a good insight of good and bad are not usually racist. However, you might some degree holder who are in fact illiterate but that is a rare case. Universities also have their security system and it is their job to provide protection to all students. For the starters no one will dare practice any racist act and if someone does he or she will have to face quite big problems. Universities do not allow any illegal activities in their campus as they have reputation and just so you know racism is illegal. If you are to face any conflict with some Illiterate goon, all you have to do is to report it to campus security and then it is their problem.

Educated People in Developed Areas:
Other than universities, it is not like that you are being targeted. Most good countries in higher education are developed countries. It is not like you will go to country which itself has no standard of education. Developed countries have most people well educated and racism is not really a leisure pursuit of educated people. If you talk about Germany, it is third best country for higher education system and it is one of the biggest economies of the world and a well-developed country. I have never heard of any Racist news from Germany and it always welcomes international students with open arms.
People assume that if someone is degree holder then he is also very educated but when one starts speaking then we get to know the education he gained. Developed countries are developed because they have good, capable, educated people in their government. Foreigners are a very crucial part of every country’s economy. If a country gives hate vibes to another nationality then they can forget business or any favor from them. Developed countries have made friends with every country and assure the security of foreigners from every country who are in their country.
Foreigners and International Protection Law:
There are specially made for the protection of foreigners in all countries. Being a foreigner, you will be a minority and minorities are more protected than any other citizen by government. If anyone dares messes with an international student, he will have pretty difficult time with the authorities. The purpose of these laws is to control the principles and measures with regard to foreigners’ entry into, stay in and exit from a country. The scope and implementation of the protection to be provided for foreigners who seek protection from the country, and the establishment, duties, mandate and responsibilities of the department and authorities of migration management.
Friends are With You:
After you have moved to a country and studying there, you will definitely have made many friends. Some of them will be
your best friends. In a foreign country, most probably your countrymen will not be in the group of your best friends and it will consist of at least one native. If someone is to mess with you, it means he or she is messing with him or her. If you are friends with native, no one will think lowly of you or try to abuse you as in such case he will also be expecting replies.

If you spend time with natives, you will also start to look like one and when you are sitting with them or in their company even racists will not get their usual image in their minds. These things may seem scary from far away but this is not even a problem. It might just be in your head and all you have to do is clear it. Once you have spent some time in a country, you will automatically start to understand the culture and people. This way, you yourself will have the knowledge to tackle all problems you possibly may have to face there.

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