“Study Abroad”
Our partner universities from around the globe, have alreadyopened their gates for May and September 2014 Intakes.
We are always ready to help if you would like to be a world-widerecognized and well known Doctor, Engineer, Charted Accountant, SuccessfulBusiness person, Marketer/ promoter, Psychiatrist,Philosopher, Event Organizer, Software/Computer Engineer or Educationist.
We are fully furnished and equipped with lots of experience inthe recruitment for abroad Universities and Colleges around the world.
Joji Higher Education Services (SMC-PVT) LTD
Unit, 4, , 21 Commercial Street DHA, Phase 2EXT
Near to Nadra Office, Opp to Suneri Bank
Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: 0092 3128765598
Website: www.jojihes.com
Email: decentjawwad@gmail.com/ info@jojihes.com
SKYPE: joji.hes
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