study in the UK?
Excellent internationalreputation
The quality of UK education is internationally recognised byemployers, universities and governments, making it a popular choice for manyinternational students.
The UK is also renowned for the excellence of its research andteaching.
Good quality of education
The quality of a university's or college’s teaching and itsgeneral facilities are assessed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Researchstandards are examined by the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), whichpublishes its findings every five years.
The results of all these assessments are freely available on theinternet. Information on quality assurance and assessments is also availablefrom the Higher Education Funding Councils.
International tradition
The UK has always welcomed students from all over the world. In2006/2007, there were 239,210 international students in the UK at undergraduateand postgraduate level.
UK universities are used to looking after the welfare of non-UKstudents and have well-developed support services and social networks oncampus.
“Good News ”
* Students with minimum Matric with 4.5 bands ineach module can apply *
HeavenStars(H&S) Consultants
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Gulberg II,Lahore,
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