International English Language Testing System, IELTS is a way to assess the English language proficiency of students who are willing to start their higher education from international universities. It is considered as the keyway for international students to get potential opportunities for higher education and career building. Each year almost 5 million students appear for IELTS exams from different 140 countries. It has seen that many students show the potential to pass the IELTS test with good scores or bands but they fail to do so because of the financial crises. This is why, to facilitate those students, the IELTS fee waiver scholarship program is introduced.
Every year a large number of deserving students are offered the opportunity to appear for IELTS exams without paying the fee on their own. For the 2021 program, the applications are accepting by international students from across the world. The following are the complete details of the eligibility criteria, the application process, and the deadlines, etc. All the deserving students are encouraged to apply for this scholarship to get a chance to appear for the IELTS exams without paying the fee.
Who Is Eligible
Students under the following categories will be eligible for this program:
Students under 32 years of age are eligible.
Students who have passed high school with at least 75% marks are eligible.
Students who have cleared the undergrad courses with at least a 3.0 GPA are eligible. 7th semester and 8th semester students are also eligible to apply on behalf of the transcripts of the 6th semester with a GPA>3.0.
Students who have not appeared before for IELTS are eligible.
Students with family income less than $250 per month are eligible. Family bank statements and tax receipts will be required.
Students are required to show one recommendation letter from their previous school.
Scholarship Coverage
The selected candidates will be offered the full fee for the IELTS exam. The fee will be paid to the bank accounts of the selected candidates. The fee will be submitted within 45 days of the announcement of the result.
How To Apply
All the eligible students will apply through the form that is given by the ieltsdates. The application completes with a single online form submission. Students are advised to read the form carefully and fill all the required positions to apply for a safe application.
Deadline: The applications are receiving until March 30th, 2021.
Check All Scholarship Updates 2021
Besides IELTS fee scholarships, all the interested students are also invited to get the latest updates of the worldwide scholarships to start their higher education in the 2021 academic year. Students can find the latest updates on scholarships from almost all the renowned study abroad destinations. Students can find updates on government scholarships, non-government scholarships, and university-specific scholarships. Once after clicking on each offered scholarship, you can find the complete detail of the scholarship. If you are eligible for any of the offered scholarships then apply today to get the opportunity to finance your studies.
Apply For Study Abroad in 2021
All the interested students who are looking to start their higher education from their desired destination are invited to meet the expert consultants to check their status that at what stage they exist and how they can eligible to apply for their desired or selected destination. Students are advised to fill the given assessment form and based on this form they will be directed towards the concerned consultants to start a safe application.