The general information that is known to everyone who is intending to travel abroad for studies is that, you have to do IELTS for admissions in foreign Universities and Colleges. But verily, not every foreign has requirement of IELTs test. A few countries require language proficiency tests other than IELTS and a few don’t require any test. However, because English is an international language of communication in all over the world, you must be capable of speaking it fluently in interviews for admission, visa process and while living there. Following is the list of countries where IELTS is not a requirement for study abroad visa:
In Canada or in any country whose official language is English, a student taking admission in their Colleges or Universities must be proficient in English language. IELTS tests calculate their efficiency in language. But a few Universities in Canada have declined IELTS as a necessary requirement. These Universities are:
- Brock University
- Carleton University
- University of Winnipeg
- University of Regina
- Memorial University
- Concordia University
Similar is the case with some Universities in Australia. If a student has already completed a course or programme in English language, then IELTS is not a requirement. These universities are:
- The University of Queensland
- The University of Adelaide
- The University of New South Wales
- Macquarie University
- Bond University
- The University of South Australia
- The University of Southern Queensland
- Swinburne University of Technology
The Universities in United Kingdom which are accepting admissions without IELTS are as follows:
- University of Bristol
- The University of Bolton
- London Southbank University
- Robert Gordon University
The following Universities in United States of America are accepting other language proficiency tests than IELTS:
- University of Colorado:-Student must have done 1 year programme in USA or his natiove language should be English.
- Drexel University:- If the student is not able to prove language proficiency then he/she is required to complete either University Preparation Summer Program (UPREP) or Bridge Program for international students
- State University of New York:- The students are required to conduct Intensive English Language Program (IELP).
- University of Arkansas: Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is required.
- University of Dayton:- Intensive English Language Program (IELP) is required.
- California State University:-Proof of SSC or Graduate program being taught in English.
- University of New Orleans:- Proof of SSC or Graduate program being taught in English.
- University of Delaware:- IELTS or TOEFL not required.
- University of Iowa:- IELTS or TOEFL not required.
Malaysia is home to various high ranked and well reputed Universities for post graduate programs. Language proficiency is not required for admissions in Universities of Malaysia.
If you have done your Bachelors or BS in English language then for admissions in German Universities IELTS or TOEFL is not required. But the University will need prove of your English Language proficiency via certificate of assurance from your home University.