The Place of Pakistani Students in Abroad
There is always a thing, about moving abroad, that comes into mind at the very first point is that what place we’ll get at abroad. A confusion gets birth into mind whether we’ll take a good place or bad place. Which kind of treatment and behavior we’ll get at abroad and further. It is just a statement of your mind. Seeking education is a holy task and if you are going to abroad for the sake of higher education than you are on a sacred mission and it wouldn’t be a big deal for you that which place are you going to take as living in a foreign country. However, there is a brief analysis took about this dilemma and following are the conclusions have taken. Read out these and bring a satisfactions into your mind.
Behavior of Pakistani Students
Usually, it is seen that the foreigners behave decently in foreign countries. About Pakistanis the same case has also seen. Actually, when you are in any other (foreign) countries than, at that time, you are the representative of your own country. So, present your country in good manners.
Inferiority of Pakistani Students
Inferiority? It is just like dilemma. Mostly, there is no difference comes to see in the foreign countries superiority and inferiority. It is just your state of mind. People think that foreigners consider us stupid and, sometimes, we consider them as superhuman. No, it is not a good concept. Think positive and live freely while studying abroad. You will never get any harm.
Are Pakistani Terrorists?
Under several circumstances, in the past, the Muslims/Pakistani students or other were considered as terrorists and treated very badly. But, when the people toot view on every aspect of the story the world got awareness. Now, almost all the world know that Muslims/Pakistani do not involve in terrorist activities. Now Pakistani students have a good place in foreign countries.
Rights and Respects of Pakistani
In case of rights and respects of Pakistani students at abroad we’ll again give a positive gesture. A survey has shown that like all other international students Pakistani students also avail all kinds of rights and respect at abroad. There is a concept of guest’s services in many foreign countries and they considered you as guest and they behave well.
Teachers Behavior
In the foreign universities there are well educated and qualified teachers exist. The teachers have will to teach the foreign students. It is the symbolism of the educated people that they love and respects the people who want to learn. Teachers give more importance to the international students because they know that international students left everything even their house for the sake of education.
Students Behavior
As studying abroad you will find that there do many students exist who just like you. They came from other countries by leaving their home. There will be students of different languages, different colors and different nature. But, at the same time, there are also domestic or local students you will find. It is in your part that how you look towards them. All international students behave well each other because they feel all as equal. But, at domestic level we do not say that you will find the whole good with good people. You may find good as well as bad mannered students. You will find the students there that will be a part of your life and at the same time the students you will also find that never give you a tiny piece of importance into their lives.
Do love with the people who love you and do not care about the haters. Make yourself busy in making love with those who deserve it and do not waste the time in hating with those who hate you. Because, the things which have long lasting effects are love, care and services.