Are you planning to start your study abroad plan from UK universities? You have to know the rules and regulations about the study in the UK before going to plan for. Well, here we come with the latest announcement from the UK’s government that the UK introduces a new points-based student visa system that will be applied to all international students from October 5th, 2020 onward.
The UK Government reveals in a release that, the reason for introducing a new points-based immigration system for international students is to bring improvement in the previous Tier 4 visa requirements for international students. The government has also said that the method would be more efficient for the UK’s sponsoring educational institutes and their international students.
What Is The New Point Based System?
After hearing the announcement of a new points-based immigration system for international students everyone is asking about the points that how much points are required to be eligible for the UK student visa. Well, for international students it is required to achieve 70 points to get a UK student visa to start their higher education journey in the UK.
However, these points will be calculated based on some special requirements that are mentioned below:
An offer letter or acceptance letter from a UK university.
Proof of English language skills.
Proof of self-support during the study in the UK.
Well, those who are fulfilling these basics requirements can easily meet the requirements of the new points-based student visa route.
Benefits Of This New Point Based Students Route
According to the government of the UK, under the new points-based system, international students can apply for student visas up to 06 months before starting their course. Moreover, students will no more bother to resubmit their previous academic records along with their visa application.
The students who were waiting for their studies due to Covid-19 restrictions, this system will be helpful for them.
It is assured that the new points-base student visa system will treat all the students equally.
The government wants to ensure the retention of the brightest and highly qualified students in the UK to contribute the postgraduate studies in the UK. This is the reason that from summer 2021 the new route will be introduced.
Those students who have completed a degree from a higher educational institute, this new system will offer them an opportunity to stay for 02 years in the UK (the stay will be three years in the case of Ph.D. studies). They can work in any skill and they will also be allowed to switch their work in case of any further opportunity.
Moreover, the UK government has also explained that there is no limit for international students to get admissions in UK universities. This is all is going to happen to make the UK a strong study abroad destination throughout the world.
Start Your UK Study Application Today
Well, those who are wondering about the new points-based system and are still confused that how to submit their admission applications in the UK under this newly designed policy, they can complete their admissions application by getting a complete consultancy from the UK’s best study abroad consultants at studyabroad.pk.