Success and failure are the two end products of any effort. As much you get as you pay for something. The same case obeys in education. Students who play truancy from classes failure is the end product of those students. Actually, there are many factors affecting the truancy of students. In the case of study abroad, there are many challenges students face about which they never think before. Messing up with these challenges student lose their charms of studies and as a result, they get a failure.
These things or challenges are described below. These are actually the warning to the students to avoid them to lead a successful educational journey.
1. Homesickness
You do not like to show this fact but it is true that you are missing the loving moments with your siblings. Actually, you are missing the delicious food of your mom’s hands. But, try to overcome these thinking because these can lead you towards failure. Just make the focus on your mission. One day you will be back there at your home.
2. Too Much Absorption with A New Culture
Students in new places experience a totally different culture than their own. Sometimes, students become much surprised and completely absorb into this new culture. They make fun and joy and forget their real mean of coming. As a result, they do not pay proper heed to studies and they fail.
3. Continually Worrying About Costs
The major challenge our students face as living or studying abroad is living cost. A continuously worry about budget mentally disturb the students. In such a situation they cannot pay focus to studies and they may fail. Make a proper budget plan and go through this. You will get relax through this budget plan.
4. Lake of Interest
Actually, the main reason in school is to learn or study. But, in some cases, it is seen that students bound or committed themselves to a course of studies for which they do not have interest. As a result, they cannot pay the heed as much as a course requires. So, they fail.
5. You Are Not Familiar With Local People
People feel embarrassed and shy to meet with local people. Local people actually are totally familiar with the rules and regulation of universities and education system. They can guide you properly how to learn. So, the lake of the proper guide may lead you towards failure. Do not feel shy and make the local people your friends.
6. Language Barrier
In many countries, English is not a native or official language. They people mostly use to speak their own languages. Our students do not learn the language and this language barrier does not allow them to ask the things properly. As a result, they may get a failure.
7. You Are In Vacations
Sometimes, when students experience the colors and charms of beautiful western countries. They spent most of the time as leisure time to take vacations. This overjoys lead them towards failure.
8. Feeling like an Outsider
Most of the students get nervous in outside areas. An inner feeling that they are outsider disturbs them a lot. In such a situation they do not feel fresh and lose their charm to study there. It is one of the serious danger leads you towards failure. Do not feel embarrass and do not feel poor yourself.