Cellphones are the latest development of the modern world of technology, and there is no debate over the fact that this is the only wonder of science which enhanced its place in the world at the most rapid pace. From lowest to highest class of the society, and young to old age, cell phone is a mandatory requirement of everyone. Now there is no distinction with respect to age, gender or walks of life; cell phone is available everywhere with everyone. The market is highly saturated with various cell phone manufacturers and service provider companies. As a result, we can see that a wide range of models and mobile network packages are in reach of various segments of the society; hence the cheapest or expensive brands and services are capturing prominent place among the buyers.
Although this development has introduced a new era of progress in the modern age, however, there have been concerns on the use of cell phones in college or university; whether it is necessary or not. Let’s have a review over this thought; how this should be taken by us, and what should be the appropriate practice by the students in this regard.
Cell phone; which started its journey, only as mobile telephone is now far more than that. It is now capable of vast number of functions and besides a phone to provide facility for calling, video calling and sending voice and text messages and several other functions are now very common. It is an allrounder in IT, which has replaced or housed several gadgets in one body under the digital technology. It is such a powerful and popular device that no one at this globe can imagine to survive without it. It is a necessary item for everyone to communicate with the dear and near ones but many have it for business requirement; it has really changed the world.
Coming to its use by students at college and university level, there seems nothing wrong in it. At that level, not only the students are mature enough to use it judiciously, sometimes it is their need to have this device. It is quite appropriate if these young people at college and university use it. They should be considered grown up citizens with a sense of responsibility. They are mostly over eighteen years of age when they are given freedom to some extent. They want to become independent to make decisions about their life. They can drive, be a fighter pilot or select a spouse for themselves. Comparing to these, use of cell phone is nothing and a very small issue which is hardly to be discussed. It does not remain a matter of big magnitude, impact or importance. Rather, at that stage it becomes a basic necessity of life in this modern age living.
They may be allowed to use it like any other grown up person because they are also big enough to realize what is good or bad for them. To discuss this issue whether university and college students should or can use it, is a pointless discussion, since there is no argument against it, and they are aware that the device is not to be used while attending the class or in community gathering. There is no doubt about its utility, though it is quite often misused as well, particularly by the young generation. However, it is obvious that cell phones cannot be allowed in the examination halls, classes, debates, workshops and other collective activity sessions. If this criteria is followed, they should be welcome to use cell phone judiciously like everyone else.