Tips for Writing an Effective Personal Statement
Some documents and letters are very specific and writing them correctly help you pursue your goal successfully. One such example is a personal statement. When applying to a university, college or a graduate or undergraduate program you sometimes have to submit a personal statement. National as well as international institutions ask for such letters to evaluate your eligibility for admission.
A personal statement is a well-written narrative of one's background, achievements and interests. It is submitted along with the admission or job application. If the admission committee find your grades, extra- curricular achievements and other prospects, parallel with some other candidate, the document that can save you from rejection could be your personal statement. Now this writing would become the only opportunity for you to make a strong case for admission.
Writing a well-structured personal statement is a strategic task and once you accomplish it successfully your chance of eligibility is elevated. A prolific personal statement should contain the following features
Whatever be the writing form, the first step demands a thorough research. Keep some factors in mind before starting your research. Forestall the sort of institution you are writing for, and what should be the key points that can impress them for accepting you. Keeping such logics in mind search for the most relevant style of writing to suit best for your personal statement. Many templates are available on internet but never copy the same format and words, instead, customize them adeptly according to your requirements.
A persuasive quote for opening your personal statement could be:
The Motivation comes from within. No one can hand it to you, but no one can take it away, either.
Precise and Logical Format:
A good personal statement shouldn’t be very long. 200 to maximum of 500 words are quite sufficient to write your personal statement .Jot a free write and write whatever you feel good to state for your personal statement, on a paper. Once you finish your writing, edit the content and extract the relevant information. Collect all these points in order under organized headings. Now write a fair sketch with complete meaning full sentences and correct language.
It should be a precise summary so make it concise, and to the point. Bulleting and numbering your specifications will showcase a comprehensive story with significant points and the reader feel comfortable to skim and scan the whole document. The document should display who you are, what are your skills, and why you are the best candidate to select. Personal statement is generally written in first person and present tense in a consistent style.
Your personal statement must clearly reflects your motivations to take this course, your interest in the course and what can you add to benefit more from the course. Prove yourself as the best- fit candidate to get selected and your competency to comprehend the course and its demands.
If possible you can add some of your interest in the selected field that is not included in the curriculum. For example, mention some workshop, seminars you have attended about the course content or just mention some websites where you research to learn about the applied field. Your critical opinions about your research add a palatable flavor to your statement.
Reviewed and Edited:
Once you have completed your statement, get it reviewed by some proficient analyst. Proofread and edit for the authentic writing. Your personal statement should reflect your personality, interest and purpose. The language should be error free and the selection of vocabulary must not violate cultural values. Rewrite your personal statement essay if you are not impressed by your first try.