There are certain perquisites that must be present in the country you decide for your studying abroad destination. The perquisites of part time job policy, affordable accommodation, quality of education, safety factors and affordable living and fee cost. For the consultancy and guidanceof intending students for best destinations for study abroad, we have figured out top 10 countries:
Norway has free higher education facility for its natives and international students. The minimum wage per hour in Norway is 170 NOK and living expenses for student’s accommodation costs around 139,690 NOK per year. On educational side, Norway is host to some of world’s best Universities.
South Korea has numerous high ranked higher education institutes, international students prefer to study in South Korea because of availability of high payment part time jobs, various options of student accommodation in different cities, best living standards and career opportunities after completing your academic course or programme.
China is best study abroad destination particularly for Pakistani students. China shares a strong friendly bond with Pakistan and its Government is running several scholarships programmes that cover fee expensive, living expenditure and other benefits. Besides, assistance for financial support, on academic front, China has high ranked Universities. Pakistani students can avail high quality education, affordability and also enjoy the friendly atmosphere in china.
Education in German Universities is free of cost for international students. The visa policy is flexible and living cost is affordable. German Universities are offering a wide range of English taught programs and you might check for eligibility to attain scholarships.
Malaysia is not so popular or it might be said Pakistani students are not fully informed about the facilities they can attain there. Malaysia has a top class higher education system it has swiftly become favorite study abroad destination because of high standards of living and best quality of education. Living cost and availability of part time job makes it a smart choice for study abroad.
Austria is also a least explored and talked about country for study abroad in Pakistan. Austria is one of those Schengen States where higher education is totally free of cost for international students. It is not much populated country which makes availability of part time job for students quite easy and approachable. The standards of education in Austria are considered as best in Europe.
It is a peaceful and serene country to live in. There are plenty of top rated Universities which are offering high quality of education and that too free of cost. Besides, there are several Finnish government run scholarship programs providing fee waiver and accommodation cost, check for your eligibility.
Swedish Universities are considered one of the best in Europe. Higher education is not completely free for international students; some Universities are offering half and some full fee waiver to students depending upon academic capabilities. In terms of living standards for students, Sweden rates high and is favorite choice for study abroad among international students.