Today, a large number of international students are sending admission applications for higher education to countries across the world. Emerging science & technology and other fields in the developed countries attract the students to join them to expand or broaden their horizons. Today, here we come with the top 10 study abroad sender countries around the world that believe in quality education.
1. China
China is known as one of the best study abroad destinations in the world. But, still, it has seen that China also sends its students worldwide to get higher education from the worlds’ recognized universities. UNESCO has declared that a large number of Chinese students are studying abroad. However, over 700,000 Chinese students are studying abroad and this fact makes China the number one country with more students studying abroad across the world.
2. India
In order to send the students to other countries for the sake of higher education, India stands at the second number. According to the recent report, over 400,000 Indian students apply annually for study abroad in several universities. Moreover, the ratio of Indian students to overseas universities is increasing year after year.
3. USA
Indeed, the USA is known as the worlds’ largest study abroad destination but the trend of US students studying abroad is also high. According to a report, almost 350,000 American students apply for international universities for academic credit.
4. Japan
Japanese, the education seeker where establishing the advanced level universities in japan, at the same time, they are also sending their students to the worlds’ largest universities for higher education purposes. According to the latest report about Japanese students studying abroad, it figured out that over 170,000 Japanese students are studying abroad in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs.
5. South Korea
In South Korea, the study abroad trend is also evolving. Every year a large number of students apply for various foreign universities. Almost 116,000 South Korean students are getting admission in foreign universities annually. It has seen that the trend is getting raised year after year by the South Korean Students.
6. Saudi Arabia
Saudi students are also making well progress in pursuing higher education from foreign universities that come under the list of the worlds’ top universities. A recent survey has revealed that there are over 90,000 students are studying abroad annually. Most of them are studying under the scholarship programs by the Saudi government. The Saudi government takes this step to promote the educational values among its nation.
7. Nigeria
Among Nigerian students, the trend of study abroad is also rising gradually. Every year the number of Nigerian students studying abroad is increasing. The current stat has shown that there are over 75,000 Nigerian students apply annually to international or worldwide universities for higher education purposes.
8. Malaysia
Malaysia comes under the developing countries of the world. Where other developments are taking birth in Malaysia, at the same time, the trend of study abroad is also evolving. Annually, almost 55,000 students apply to international universities for various higher education study programs.
9. Pakistan
Well, Pakistan is another country that is following the trend of study abroad. Today Pakistani students are pursuing higher education in almost all the words’ best study abroad destinations. According to the latest report, it is figured out that over 50,000 Pakistani students apply for study abroad yearly.
10. Iran
Iran is a country that is not an ignorant country in following the trend of study abroad. It is calculated that nearly 35,000 Iranian students send their study abroad applications in various subjects to the high-class international universities.
Final Thoughts
The trend of study abroad is evolving throughout the world even it has seen that minor countries are also following the same trend to make their nations strong and to place or show them as the well-known countries of the world. However, studyabraod.pk is a well-known educational platform that always keeps itself ready to assist the students in all the way who are willing to go abroad for study or higher education purposes. For any update regarding study abroad feel free to contact us.