Top Mistakes Pakistani Students must Avoid At Abroad
So, finally you have left your home and went abroad for study purposes. You are really going through a hard life because life without family, friends and home is not a proper life. No doubt, that at abroad you see the luxuries of life and an open environment. True colors and joys of life come to have as living/studying abroad. But, one who goes abroad must keep the thing into mind that which is his/her purpose to move abroad after leaving his/her everything. Our students must keep concentration on their motive. But it is seen that the students get involve into some bad habits and this is a really disaster of their life. Following are the biggest mistakes that our students must avoid from these to make the god memories of their stay at abroad during study.
Too Much Drinking
Mostly, our students go to western countries or USA for the sake of higher education. There in these countries drinking or be alcoholic is a part of their culture. After getting totally freedom our students get involved in such bad habits. Alcoholic person always loose his senses and makes strange things. You must keep the thing into your mind that you are the representative of your country at abroad. So, try to do the things that present your homeland as a good place.
Too Much Absorption with New Culture
There are students come to see who absorb totally into the new culture from which they do not belong. And when they come back to their own place they feel embarrassed and also become disturb and make others disturb. So, do not involve too much into the new culture. Try to avoid those things which are not suitable according to your culture.
Always Connected with Home
There are some people exist who can never forget their family and friends. They always try to connected back to their homeland which brings a really disaster in the way of their mission. Meet with your people but with specific time interval.
Don’t try to Learn about Country
At the same time we see that there are our students who do not involve themselves into the learning points about the country where they are living. Actually, every student must know even about the country which helps his/her to have a good stay at there. Learn about the rules and regulations about the country where you have stay to keep yourself safe from any hazard.
Continually Worried about Costs
Another biggest mistake found that our students make is that they look too much worried about their costs/expenses as living abroad. Once, you have decided and even you went abroad then do not be worried and try to overcome your worries. Do part time jobs and try to go through Money Saving Plans for spending a good living.
Do not Make Local Friends
To be friends of Pakistani people and not of the local citizenship where you are living is also counted as your mistake. It is not bad that you make friendships with your own people. But at the same time you must have involvement with the local citizens due to which you will become familiar with the points that how to have a good stay as living in that specified country where you are. Although, you must try to make friendships with the people of other countries. This will make your friends circle expanded and helps you to know more about world.