Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif visits London this week. Prime Minister Cameron and Prime Minister Sharif met today in... London and reaffirmed the strong bonds of friendship and partnership between Pakistan and the UK.
The two leaders underscored their commitment to support the UK-Pakistan relationship; by agreeing to open a new British Deputy High Commission in Lahore, Punjab. The UK and Pakistan have a long history of working closely and effectively together as members of the Commonwealth.
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The UK’s large diaspora population of Pakistani origin has made a significant contribution to British cultural and economic life. Both countries are committed to broadening their relations across many areas. This was Prime Minister Sharif’s first official bilateral visit to the UK since Pakistan’s landmark elections in May 2013.
Prime Minister Sharif is also meeting the Deputy Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary, Home Secretary, Defence Secretary, Secretary of State for International Development and delivering a keynote address at the Pakistan Investment Conference.
The visit marks the launch of a UK-Pakistan cultural and education cooperation ‘roadmap’ which sets out the basis of cultural engagement between Pakistan and the UK, enables collaboration on a calendar of cultural engagement for the next 3 years, and builds on elements of the strong existing UK-Pakistan relationship on education.
In partnership with UK providers, the roadmap includes the British Council’s commitment to train 1 million teachers of English over the next 4 years in Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provinces to help enhance the quality of English language teaching in Pakistan. A new Memorandum of Understanding on the status of the British Council in Pakistan maps out a range of joint activities around the British Council’s work there, including English language learning, arts and the creative industries.
The roadmap also highlights work through the Department for International Development to support delivery of primary and secondary education in Pakistan, which by 2015 aims to benefit 4 million more children in school and train 90,000 teachers per year.
The UK welcomed the priority Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Government has given to education, including the recent commitment to increase education spend to 4% of GDP. Both Governments noted recent progress on education in Punjab and the re-launch of the UK’s education partnership in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which will benefit all primary and lower secondary school children in the province.
Both sides also welcomed the partnership between the UK and the Government of Punjab to provide vocational skills training to 135,000 people living in poverty, 40% of them women. Pakistan agreed to the importance of honouring the shared history and sacrifice made by those soldiers from what is now called Pakistan during WWI and as part of this committed to a memorial copse in Islamabad to mark the fallen.
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