Marie Royce, The US Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Cultural Cooperation, encourages Pakistani students to start their study in the USA and considered the USA as their best study abroad destination in the world to peruse higher education.
Pakistan-US Educational Relations
She assured that the US is still welcoming the Pakistani students to start their higher education there. She said that the USA has committed to enhancing educational cooperation with Pakistan. Moreover, both of them would continue working together to achieve greater success in the future.
Asad Khan, the ambassador told the audience that education is considered as the brightest spot and the glorious chapter in the history of Pakistan-USA bilateral relationships. He said that the number of Pakistani students in the USA has reduced for the past few years. But, now, the Pakistani students in the USA are resurged to over 8000 in number.
Trumps Administration Decisions For International Students
However, these assurances are not redressing the uncertainty came to see after Trumps' administration decision according to which Trumps said international students to leave the country, if their universities are offering online education to them or to transfer to the school that is offering in-person study or courses.
However, the two biggest institutes of America including Harvard University and MIT have challenged this decision in a federal court of America. During the webinar of the embassy, a number of students raised their questions against this decision but they did not get any satisfactory answer.
The US State Department Statement
According to the latest statement issued by the US State Department, it’s been cleared that the international students who are planning to start their higher education in the fall semester still have the opportunity to do so. It has been shown by the statement that the temporary modifications for F1 and M1 non-immigrant visa requirements had announced for the fall semester 2020 by the US Department of Homeland Security.
The statement added that this will allow both in-person and some online coursework students to meet the requirements for a non-immigrant visa.
Higher Education Commission, HEC Remarks
During the webinar the Chairman of the Higher Education Commission, Dr. Tariq Banuri told that the higher education institutes and universities of the USA had played a significant role in helping Pakistan to make the higher education domain strong.
All Updates Of Study In The USA
Students who are willing to apply for Study in the USA are advised to keep in touch with Studyabroad.pk for all the updates regarding the USA education system. Moreover, those who are looking to start their study application of the USA in 2020 are provided the complete consultancy through the best study abroad consultants here to secure their admission in the USA.