Moving to Australia can be an amazing experience as moving there is like running towards opportunities. Australia is a country where the population, economy and opportunities are growing quickly. Many say that Australia is a country today like USA 50 years ago just full of excitement, enthusiasm and opportunity. It is the sixth largest country in the world with over 3 millions square mile and its population is only 20 million. English is the official language of Australia and you will have no problem communicating people in Australia if you speak English. The population consists of Caucasian (92%) and (Asian 7%) with other cultures accounting for just 1%. Its capital is Canberra. While other cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane provides a European/ North American life style.
Australian society is very open minded, multicultural and young as average age here is 37 years. Job Opportunities are available to everyone and unemployment rates are very low. In most of the cities there are lots of casual jobs available for young Australians and International students. Australia has the highest minimum wages in the world that’s why even these casual jobs are paid much more than in Europe or elsewhere in the world.
From the Educational Prospective Australia have so many World Class Universities and its International community expands to more than 500000 students from 150 different countries of the world. These universities work with the government to ensure world class educational system and standards of teaching. Following are the top ten reasons I have researched for you guys if you are planning to move to Australia.
1. Fresh Air
2. Beautiful Natural Environment
3. Multicultural Society
4. Low Population Density
5. Climate
6. Health Care System
7. Job Opportunities
8. Laid Back Life Style
9. Great Place to Travel
10. Great Opportunities to Study
Types of Australian Visa
Now the question is how one can move to Australia? Well the Answer lies right down here. There are several types of Visas offered by Australian Government and those visas are..
1. Visitor Visas
2. Working and Skilled Visas
3. Studying Visas
4. Family and Spousal Visas
5. Other Visas
6. Repealed Visas (These visas are not available to apply for as main visas)
Some of you are still confused that where to start, well the answer is a good place to start is with the Visa Wizard that is available on the Australian Department of Immigration website as trying to figure out the right visa can be a stress full and confusing task. The website will ask you to enter the information about your circumstances and situation and will provide an advice on the right type of visa based on the information provided by you. The most commonly applied Visas or most common migration categories to live in Australia are skilled migration, family migration and Study migration. Here I am going to discuss about Student Visas and their types. Currently following student visas are offered by Australian Department of Immigration.
1 - Student Visa (Sub Class 500)
Length of Stay: Up to 5 years
Cost: From AUD 560
Eligibility: You must have applied and been accepted to study in a registered full time course in any educational institution in Australia. If you are under 18 years of age you must have organized welfare arrangements during your stay at Australia.
2 - Student Guardian Visa (Sub Class 590)
Length of Stay: Up to five years
Cost: From AUD 560
Eligibility: You must be a parent or a person who has the custody of the student. You cannot bring family members under 6 years of age except under certain circumstances and you must be able to provide accommodation and general welfare to the student.
3 - Training Visa (Sub Class 407)
Length of Stay: Up to two years
Cost: From AUD 280
Eligibility: You must be sponsored by an Organization. The occupational training is provided by the sponsor and the occupational training meets the criteria for one of the nomination eligibility types.
4 - Temporary Graduate Visa (Sub Class 485)
Length of stay: For Graduate work stream 18 month and for Post study work stream 2 to 4 years.
Cost: From AUD 1500
Eligibility: You must be younger than 50 years. You must hold a valid Visa. You must meet the Australian study and language requirements.
There are some other important Student Visa Subclasses as well which are discussed below.
Sub Class 570 (Independent ELICOS Sector)
For foreign students taking English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students as the only course and are not allowed to take any other course of study.
Sub Class 571 (Schools)
Foreign students applying for study in Australia for a primary school, secondary school or in a program approved by secondary school exchange program.
Sub Class 572 (Vocational Education and training sector)
It covers Certificates I, II, III, and IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma
Sub Class 573 (Higher Education Sector)
This class covers Bachelor degree, Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma
Sub Class 574 (Masters and Ph.D. sector)
This covers a Master’s degree by coursework or by research and a PhD degree
Sub Class 575 (Non award foundation of Degree/Diploma)
This covers foundation and courses that do not lead to provide a degree, diploma or other formal awards.
Sub Class 576 (AusAID or Defense sponsored Sector)
Covers full time study financed by AusAID or Defense for the complete course duration.
Now these following are some Common Visa Requirements
1. Your character must be good.
2. You are of sound health.
3. You must have an acceptable health insurance for you and your family members in case they live with you in Australia form OSHC.
4. You do not have any debts to the Commonwealth of Australia.
5. You must meet the language requirements set up by the Australian Government.
6. You must not have any Criminal Record.
7. Admission Letter of Acceptance by any registered institution of Australia.
8. Character Clearance from your home country’s Police department.
9. All Valid Copies of your previous degree courses.
10. Valid CNIC
Australian Student Visa Process