Studying abroad has now become immensely popular among students throughout the world. Students in Pakistan also refer to different study abroad options to pursue a career of their choice. However, to study abroad at any foreign institute, there are specific eligibility criteria, including various documents. Whereas, most students do not have enough knowledge regarding the required documents and attestations.
In this article, we have compiled the complete list of documents and attestations required for studying abroad. By the end of the article, you will have the complete information you need to prepare your documents for admission at any foreign university.
Documents Of Academic Background
If you look forward to applying to an international university, you must provide the following documents of your academic background.
Certificate of Matriculation or equivalent education
Certificate of Intermediate or equivalent education
Transcript of your undergraduate degree
In case of a doctoral degree, Transcript of your postgraduate degree
The complete academic documents of a student confirm that they have attended a particular high school or college with particular grade points. Moreover, it also plays an influential role if a student applies for a scholarship at any foreign university. Lastly, Pakistani students are also informed that they must get their academic documents attested by the exam board, the Higher Education Commission, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Document’s Attestation Required For An Undergraduate Degree Program
Exam Board Attestation:
If you are going to apply for an undergraduate degree abroad you are required to submit your matriculation and intermediate documents to the respective exam board. The exam board will get your documents attested and send you a sealed envelope with attested certificates and a copy. Students are also required to pay a fee to the board to get their documents attested.
Attestation from IBCC:
For further attestations, students are required to send the envelope of their attested documents from exam board to the Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC). Candidates can post their certificates to IBCC or you can visit IBCC in person as well. Candidates are advised to get more than one attested copy in order to apply for various universities.
Furthermore, it is to inform candidates that the documents for attestation are only accepted from candidates, parents, or siblings only. Candidates can check the below table for attestation fee at IBCC.
Document | Fee |
Attestation of each original document | Rs. 1,200/- |
Attestation of each copy of original document | Rs. 600/- |
Attestation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
After getting your documents attested from IBCC, you may have to get your documents attested from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, this attestation is dependent upon the university you apply for whether they require it or not.
Document | Fee |
Attestation of matriculation certificates | Rs. 2,406.72/- |
Document’s Attestation Required For A Postgraduate Degree Program
Attestation from the higher Education Commission of Pakistan:
If you are going to apply for a master’s degree at a foreign university, you are required to submit transcript of your undergraduate degree program. However, it must be noted that your undergraduate degree transcript must be attested by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
To facilitate students, Higher Education Commission has provided an online appointment opportunity for students from where they will be able to know the date to get their attested transcript. Following table shows the attestation fee required at the Higher Education Commission
HEC Attestation fee for each Original document | Rs. 1,000/- |
HEC Attestation fee for copy of each Original document | Rs. 700/- |
Click Here For Complete Process Of HEC Attestation
Attestation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
For some universities attestation from the Higher Education Commission is enough. However, at some universities you might need an attestation from the Ministry of Foreign affairs. The fee required for attestation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is mentioned in the table below
Document | Fee |
Attestation of educational degrees | Rs. 3,315/- |
Language Proficiency Test
A language proficiency test is one of the basic steps of eligibility criteria to attain admission at an international university. Students must appear for an English proficiency test, international English language testing system, Test of English as a Foreign Language, or any other test needed for the particular university they apply to.
While applying for your desired university, you must attach your language test certificate as proof. It is one of the necessary documents required for admission abroad. The language test proof will provide your score, and the university will be able to grant you admission on that basis as well. Candidates are also required to submit a copy of their language proficiency test to the British Council.
Statement Of Purpose
To shine your application and make it exciting, you are advised to add a statement of purpose. It helps universities to understand who you are. And, what are your goals behind choosing the particular university and program. You can provide a summary of the reasons behind choosing the university and your interests in the degree program. Moreover, what career do you wish to pursue further in your life?
Student Visa
Students applying for a foreign university are required to have a student visa to proceed their application. Every country has a different requirement of a student visa which is why candidates need to ensure that they fulfil the criteria and have a student visa when applying.
Bank Statement
Whenever you apply for a foreign university most of the universities also require bank statement. It is mandatory to have a strong bank statement that will be used as a proof that you have enough capital for your tuition fee. Moreover, every country and its respective universities have different requirements and conditions of a bank statement.
Letter Of Recommendation
A letter of recommendation from any acknowledged academic supervisor can help you get admission. It plays an additional role in your application, making it even more captivating. For instance, if you are applying in a medical field and have a recommendation letter from a medical department head, it will evolve your application.
Curriculum Vitae
A curriculum vitae also plays a major role at some universities. It provides a glance at all of the working experience you have that will help you achieve your goals as well. To impress and make your application worth you must add the particular field related experience. Moreover, if you have any sort of academic publications that can boost your application.