The world has become one global hyperlinked community where communication and building contacts is almost a social and financial obligation. To keep pace with this fast pacing world and for chase of better career opportunities leaning a foreign language is imperative. Nor does multilingual skill looks attractive on your CV but fluent command over a foreign language enables a distinguishable confidence and charm in your personality. It is astonishing how many advantages and opportunities of success multilingualism can offer for studying in abroad and working in abroad, the article below is sketched to explain the impact of foreign language learning in your life in detail:
Strengthening Your Mental Faculties:
Learning a new language is persuading your mind to exercise its capabilities to the fullest potential and magnifying of its powers. You will discern phonetics and phonology of a completely different language, its grammatical rules, parts of speech and its proper literal usage which will sharpen your mind and give boost to your mind’s cognitive skills. By absorption of complex and novel language patterns, your brain will function better for problem solving, creativeness and innovation and hence resulting in far reaching beneficial impact on your professional and social life.
You Will be Employer’s First Choice:
Who does not want to be the chosen one? Multilingual skills will make you first pick when interviewing for a job. Employers do prefer to hire individuals who can speak in more than one language because of their exceptional communication skills and global approach. In fact, multilingual employees are incredibly beneficial to their firms because they can perform task of two professionals in one salary; they are hired specifically for work of their professional field and they can perform as translators of two languages simultaneously. For meeting with foreign delegates and clients, the multilingual employees bring advantage and easement of fluent communication to the employer and leave a positive business impression on clients. Even if you have done IELTS, TOEFL or Cambridge test for English language proficiency, it will add an attraction to your CV.
Developing Multi-Cultural Understanding:
Let’s be honest, devouring history and literature books of any country cannot entirely give insightful and absolute understanding of its culture, traditions and historical rots until and unless you learn its native language. If you are to travel and stay in an English speaking country, only knowing English will help you immerse in its culture and comprehend values and customs of its people, same goes with France, China, Germany, Japan or Africa. Learning a foreign language is an easiest way to be part of a different culture and its civilization. In fact English Language proficiency tests are one of the main admission requirements in foreign universities if you want to study an English taught course.
Enriching Your Friend Circle:
Whether you travel towards a foreign country for visit, study or stay, knowing its native language can help you greatly in establishing friendships with locals and finding the way around its land. An authentic and pure relation is developed only through clear and vivid communication, or else you will be missing out on lot of things. Like in your own native language, there are certain slang expression and idioms which only native speakers of that language speak and understand the true essence of its meaning. If you know what the words means, you will know the emotions and feelings behind them and definitely establish life- long friendship and deep connection that you can carry ahead in your life and enrich your friend circle.
Need Of Today
The rapidly growing economies and aggressively racing professional sectors need bilingual people because nothing is confined in one place now. Every firm and every product is approaching a larger audience and customer base. They need multi culture employees that can give them ideas regarding establishing their businesses in their native lands and establish a strong connection between two cultures for fruitful financial outcome. A closely knitted community which the world has become today, everyone wants to everything and the basis is only through language. If you enter into a global platform or a stage where people of different ethnicities are debating, you will be far behind on things and concepts if you understand only a single language.
Your Passport for The World
A famous Australian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein explains the multilingualism in his quote profoundly;’ the limits of your language are the limits of your world’. For allusion, getting a visa of foreign country whose native language you know is almost 50% more possible. If you know English well, your foreign travelling around the world is 99% successful, if you know German language, you have passport to Austria, Germany, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Paraguay, Belgium, Romania and many more. If you know French, your visa to France, Haiti, Benin, Madagascar, Canada, Rwanda, Togo, Switzerland, Chad, Mali and Cameron is exceptionally easy because of language ability.
Your Confidence is Unmatchable:
Education and learning improve the standards of your life exceptionally and knowing a new language gives tremendous boost to your confidence. You are smarter and more accurate in your thinking and presenting ability, you are better at processing sentences before delivering and demonstrating your clear thoughts in just right words, you are able to receive information in a more reasonable and logical way than ever before because of increased mental function through bilingual learning. It all adds fascinating attribute to your personality and hence boosts up your confidence in approaching different people with diverse prospective and outlooks.
Overcoming Your Fears:
Most of us don’t try amazing things just because we fear failure and we are too shy to become a public mockery especially trying to speak a new language. But to your surprise, fears are just fears until you overcome them and do it. The surprising effect that learning a new language will have on your mind and personality is that you will believe in your mental ability and logic rather than your fragile emotions. This exercise of thinking and speaking in a foreign language will help you fight your other life battles that you often lose because of shyness and fears. You will just show up and do it to see results without fear of its failure. Pakistani students have been learning English language since middle schools but fear to speak it because shame and public fright in spite of vast comprehension and vocabulary but in foreign countries they speak because it’s necessary for survival. So it’s just all about overcoming your fear and you will a whole new world opening its doors for you.