Going to a foreign country for higher education has now become a fashion even in Pakistan. All study abroad destinations are filled with international students from India, Pakistan and China. Every year we see our friends, cousins or brothers going abroad for study. It is a good thing but still how many of us have seen sisters and female friends/ cousins preparing to move to a foreign country. This case is particularly found in Pakistan that only male students go abroad for higher education.
There are some Pakistan girls I know that went to Germany, China and UK for higher education but that was only possible due to their understanding family’s support. Everyone supports studying abroad but they are a little conservative when it comes to females’ education. It’s not just the family or society but the girls themselves too scared and narrow minded in this case. In today’s article, we have discussed why every Pakistani girl should also go abroad for higher education just like Pakistani boys.
1 - Islamic Point of View:
As majority of population in Pakistan is Muslim and very strictly follow it, giving an argument from this ideology won’t be a bad idea. We all have been taught the importance of education in the light of Islam since our childhood. All those Hadiths were not specific to just men.
“The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman.”
“Seek knowledge even if you have to go to China.”
2 - Equal Rights:
We need to understand that men and women have equal rights. Both deserve everything that may be given to other. If boys are allowed to study in a foreign country, so should be girls. It is their basic right. Just because you are girl, don’t let it get you behind others. We cannot groom while sitting in our comfort zone. Girls should take a step, be brave and prove that they are no less than men.
3 - To Become a Leader:
There are very few female leaders found in Pakistan. That is because lack of education and confidence. Girls are raised with inferior complexity in most societies in Pakistan. They usually don’t have confidence to speak in public probably because they are afraid of being mocked. Studying abroad among new people under a good education system, makes them stronger and braver. Using a second language with strange people makes your communication skills better than ever. These are the qualities of a leader. After studying abroad you won’t be just following what others tell you but you will show them the way.
HERE SEE: How Studying Abroad Makes You an Impressive Leader
4 - Girls Dream Too:
This one is for the family and those girls who have even stopped dreaming. We must first dream and work hard to achieve it. If it doesn’t scare you, your dream isn’t worth it. Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow. Girls should understand that life is too short to just give up. Families should also understand that just like boys, girls also have dreams. They also want to achieve goals and be something in life. If you are only worried about girls’ marriage, that is eventually going to happen today or tomorrow. But today is for education that is the basic right of every women. There is a quote I read online somewhere definitely worth sharing:
A dream written down with a date becomes a Goal.
A goal broken down into steps become a Plan.
A plan backed by Action makes your dream come true.
5 - Once in a Lifetime Experience:
Studying abroad is a only once in a lifetime experience. Once the time is gone, there are way too many responsibilities and hindrances in way. I am now a writer and a teacher. I can’t go back to school as student even if I want to just because I couldn’t live it to its fullest. It’s the same case. Our time is running out. Soon we will be at an age where we won’t fit in student category. Studying abroad is a life changing experience full of adventures where you get to see the world educating yourself.
6 - For Quality Higher Education:
Pakistan has a lot of universities. But there are very few that actually provide quality higher education. They are still following the old conventional rote method. We are just revising the old work again and again instead of conducting our own research. There may be good work in some fields but overall we are ranked world worst study abroad destination. None of Pakistani universities rank high or have done anything extraordinary. We are just proud of the fact that footballs used in FIFA are manufactured in Pakistan.
If the goal is to really understand what education is about, studying abroad is must. There you will learn what your syllabus must be and how it should be taught. Instead of keep writing and memorizing facts, there will be understanding of concepts sharing of new ideas.
HERE SEE: Why Foreign Education is better than Pakistani Education
7 - A Great Career Ahead:
Studying abroad opens up many doors of opportunity for you. If living in Pakistan, you will just graduate, probably start a job, get married and have kids. Everyone is going to do that eventually. But first you should gain and discover all that you can from life. Studying abroad assures that you are skilled enough to easily get a good job or start a business. You will make a great professional network while studying abroad. You will have opportunities in more than one countries.
SEE ALSO: Do Elite Ranked Universities Really Matter to Make Best Career
8 - Compete on Global Level:
Right now, Pakistani men may be somewhat competing on global levels in few fields. However, there are not many Pakistani females that have the ability to represent their country in front of whole world. Once you get real education with the experience of living in a foreign country, you will have gained skills that one just can’t attain while in their comfort zone. You will be able to show the world that you are no less than them.
9 - No Security Issue:
Most of the girls and their families are scared of living in a foreign country alone. I have discussed this in detail in another article. Girls are more safe while studying abroad than any boy. Women are always given special rights and respect all around the world. Here read this article Is Studying Abroad Safe for Pakistani Girls to see how security is no issue for Pakistani girls while studying abroad.
Interview of Pakistani Girl Studying in Australia: