China is an East Asian country which is well-known for being the most populous country in the world, along with the vast area of the country, including landscapes, rivers, grassland, lakes, mountains and deserts. With the passage of time, China is increasingly mastering over new technology and running with globalization with a remarkable speed. Not only Pakistanis, but people from around the world are now considering China for international studies.
In 2017, The Ministry of Education of China officially announced that a record-breaking number of international students i.e., 489,000 got enrolled in Chinese universities. The improved standards of Chinese universities have enabled Chinese institutes to get entitled in the world top ranked universities. Getting an opportunity of learning Chinese language and understanding the dominating economy of China is one of the reasons for it being the popular study destination. Here are some important reasons which prove that China is the best study destination for Pakistani Students:
1. Scholarships:
Higher education commission of Pakistan and Chinese government are collectively working on offering various scholarships entirely to Pakistani students. Some of their famous scholarship programs include CAS-TWAS President’s PhD Fellowship program, Great Wall Program, Tsinghua University Doctoral Scholarship, and other Chinese government scholarships.
2. Employability:
One of the major factors that students consider while going abroad is getting a job along with studies. Chinese universities provide maximum working opportunities to the international students. In 2017, the Global University Employability Ranking showed that Chinese Peking University was ranked 14th among the list of 150 institutes in providing jobs to the students.
3. Top Class Universities:
The Chinese universities are world class recognized institutes as being ranked by different world records and rankings. In the latest 2018 ranking list of world’s top universities by Time Higher Education (THE), 63 Chinese universities were ranked among the top 1000 higher educational institutes in the world. Specifically Peking and Tsinghua were included among the top 30 institutes in the world.
4. Learning Chinese Language:
One of the benefits of studying in China is experiencing and learning Chinese language which is the world’s most spoken language. Chinese is a difficult language to learn and it definitely adds value to your CV when going for reputable jobs. Learning Chinese is also fruitful when it comes to the opportunities being opened by China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
5. Experiencing world’s second largest economic power:
China is exceptionally embracing globalization and new technologies. It is the fastest growing economy of the world. It is also famously known as a hub for innovations and inventiveness. China is also greatly known for its trade, manufacturing and commercial purposes. The students get to observe and experience the Chinese economy’s working procedures and learn a lot from their practices.
6. Education in English:
The language barrier is the most concerned thing when it comes to international institutes. Pakistani students face this barrier in many countries like Germany, France and Japan etc. but Chinese universities have analyzed and realized the importance of English language, hence they have embraced it and started to provide education in English language.
7. Close to Home Country:
China is closer to Pakistan geographically. When the students travel from China to Pakistan, it both saves their time and fare because the flight fare is much inexpensive as compared to other countries. This factor is always satisfying for the students because you will always be closer to your own home country.
The above highlighted reasons effectively prove that why China is increasingly becoming the most popular study destination for the Pakistani students. Hope you’ll find these facts and figures helpful while deciding for yourself.