If you are planning to study in another country, confused about application process and compilation of documents like statement of purpose, cover letter and motivation letter. Scholarships announced for international students also require a motivation letter for its application. Here in this blog studyabroad.pk brings a solution for writing a motivation letter by following five basic steps. Motivation letter is a common document and the basic requirement of each foreign university.
Students make mistakes while writing a motivation letter like making it an over lengthy document by adding informal details. Professors always accept and encourage a concise and specific written motivation letter.
Is Motivation Letter Different For Study Abroad Application?
Motivation letters are also used for job purposes, so for study abroad application there is slight difference in writing pattern and mentioning the things actually required by the university. The basics which should be clear in a motivation letter written for study abroad are
Which thing make u encouraged for study in another country?
How you are prepared for study in a foreign university?
Steps For Study Abroad Motivation Letter
Here are the basic five steps that a student should follow to make his/her motivation letter more attractive and securing admission in foreign university.
Introduction Of Applicant
Most of the students know about how to introduce yourself. In this section, you will clearly mention
Who are you?
Learn How To Write A Motivation Letter For PhD
For what study program you are applying?
What thing motivated you for study abroad?
Start your introduction in a formal way and must clear the above mentioned questions in introduction section.
Demonstrate Your Qualification
After introducing yourself explain the educational record that will ultimately clear about your
Interest in selected study subject
Make sure to add an authentic information about your qualification, grades and marks percentage because sometimes you also have to attach CV with so there should be no conflict in both.
Explain Motivation For Study Abroad
When done with the educational demonstration, then move for the explanation of your interest or motivation about the country you have selected for study.
Explain About Your Personality
You must explain about your personality, it didn’t mean about your likes/dislikes. If you are friendly you can explain it in a way like “I am the open minded one and friendly nature”. It means you have to use adjectives for describing your personality. It make the judge a clear idea about your personality.
Describe How Studying Abroad Will Help You Grow
The most important thing, one should mention in one’s motivation letter is explanation of
How your subject you are going to study in foreign university will help you grow in future
What it will leave an impact on your personality and on society as your career
Mention all the hopes you are expecting after studying in foreign university like it may build your language skills.
So motivation letter is the best place to write about your goals and hopes.
This is all about a perfect motivation letter, if you have further queries, you can contact to studyabraod.pk team for free counselling.