Salman Ahmad, well-known South Asian musician, will be at METU Northern Cyprus Campus as part of the “5 Star Meetings”.
As part of the METU Northern Cyprus Campus “5 Star Meetings”, Salman Ahmad, South Asian celebrity, is joining the “Pakistan Night” event which is organized by the International Students Association.
The event will be held on Saturday, May 10, at 21.00 pm, at the METU Northern Cyprus Campus Culture and Convention Center. During the event, brief information on the history of Pakistan, the struggle for independence in particular, will be provided. Afterwards, national dances and songs will be performed. As part of the program, a brief speech focusing on the relations between Turkey and Pakistan will be delivered and the night will be enlivened by the performance of Salman Ahmad.
Salman Ahmad, who will be a guest of the METU Northern Cyprus Campus, is one of the pioneers in the development of Sufi Rock which is a subgenre of rock music that combines modern rock with classical Sufi music sounds. Salman Ahmad is a doctor and a teacher, as well as being a musician. He also serves as a UN Goodwill Ambassador. His band is called “the U2 of South Asia” because of its melodies and rock rhythms.